Saturday, December 28, 2019

Surviving the Holidays

It's been a busy time in some ways but a much-needed change of pace in others. There have been lots of holiday celebrations but a break from the usual meetings, groups, etc. It has made me see the need for a lighter schedule in the New Year. 

Along with the holiday celebrations, the Three Amigos (not Giuliani, Sondland & Perry!) participated in a nationwide action on the eve of the impeachment vote (12/17). About 150 people showed up at Joe Cunningham's office to thank him for voting for the impeachment. That's a very good turnout in a red state AND on a cool, rainy afternoon. One of the cutest things was a young man/kid who called the chants. His mom was close by and offered suggestions...he was adorable!

Two nights later, I had the gang over for Christmas cheer. I'm not a natural entertainer, but I think everyone enjoyed it and had a good time. It may become a tradition as it motivates me to put up the decorations. That's something that my mother and I used to do together. We took our time and enjoyed the process. It seems a lot to do just for me, so it seemed like a good idea to have friends over to enjoy them with me. Things started slowly as we sat in a circle to eat the munchies, but by the time desserts were out, everyone was up, mingling, and chatting. It was a good evening for me and I hope they enjoyed it, too.

On Christmas Eve, Chris and I went to one of our favorite places - Olive and Fig - for dinner. They had a set menu with several options for a starter, entree, and then dessert. We started with Lentil Soup (regular portion!) and selected the vegetarian entree.  If you look at the servings on the table, you can see that we could have easily shared one meal! Each of us had 3 Falafels, 1 Spinach Pie, Hummus, Baba Ghanoush, Muhammara, Tabbouleh, and a Partridge in a Pear Tree!! All of that was followed by dessert! It was delicious and a pleasant evening, with a doggie bag for the next day. We were surprised that after three solid days and nights of rain, around noon on Christmas Eve, the sun came out and by our early dinner, it was almost 70 degrees. That weather still holds and it adds to whatever is happening.

Christmas day was quiet but sunny and bright. I did some cooking while watching Animal Planet. Their morning was just Christmas music with dogs, cats, goats, and bunnies doing their thing in rooms decorated for Christmas. It was perfect for me! After that, it was the Bronx Zoo, which is quite interesting and reminds me of behind the scenes at the San Diego Zoo. The golf course was closed so Rosie and I did our afternoon walk on the course....and the weather was perfect - a very good day!

Michelle, Valeria, and Joann.
Yesterday, Tippy and I did some Christmas shopping for Reyna's girls. It started when a friend of Tippy ordered one toy and six were delivered. The company wasn't interested in taking them back so she was giving them away. Tippy thought of Reyna's baby, but you can't give one child something without having something for the others. So we two old, childless broads go shopping for gifts for a 13, 11, 8-year-olds and Richard's twin 3-year-olds!!  Needless to say, we didn't have a clue - but we would ask the other questions as though we actually expected a knowledgeable answer! Finally, we saw some girls of similar ages of Reyna's and asked what they would like. We got an in-depth seminar on Slime! Slime seems to be the thing. It was all worth it because the girls were totally surprised and seemed to really like the gifts we'd chosen, especially the Slime!

SOMETHING SPECIAL: I received my Christmas update from the Smith family in Thailand and it was so lovely I asked if I could share it with you. This year was a year of weddings for Aeaw and Bob as both of their sons were married. I knew these young men when they were babies/kids in Saudi and it's wonderful to see them happy, healthy and doing well. Both Bob and I commented on the "global" life of all those kids we knew at that time. They have the confidence, curiosity, and freedom to move about in the world with ease - and at such a young age. I marvel at them and admit to being a bit jealous that it took me so long!  In any case, enjoy! Link:

I also had to share the photos above. I've already told you about these girls who love Rosie so much. When the grandparents wanted to take the photo on the left, I asked if they would take one with the girls and their signs. Our routine is that we go to the door (when signs are posted) and I unhook Rosie's leash. She stands there and whines until someone answers the door. Then she shoots in and makes several laps of the kitchen, dining room, and den - just as fast as she can. Of course, the girls are then trying to follow her, squealing, etc. Once she settles down, they bring toys for her to play with and give her lots of loving. This last time they had decided (talking about it the night before!) that Rosie might like a bowl of water at the end of our walk. Being the perfect guest, Rosie lapped it up on cue and I thanked them for thinking of her. So Sweet!

It was after returning for our trip to Africa (and experiences such as the one above) that I fully realized what a nice neighborhood I live in. We never know how long our walks will take. It all depends on how many people we run into, with some passing by in cars even stopping to chat a bit. I'm not fooled to think it's's mostly Miss Personality! In any case, it is nice. Just this week, I've been given oranges, lemons, and chocolates from neighbors as we were passing by. 

Not everything has been roses - my computer died, Rosie has been a little anxious and I don't know why, trump is still president, I'm too fat - but life is good and I have no complaints. I hope we all go into the New Year in good health and with hopes for a peaceful, prosperous, compassionate year ahead. Best wishes and much love to all. 

Monday, December 16, 2019

Happy Holidays 2019

December 1: After posting the last entry, I sent the next two days decorating for Christmas. As I said, it seems like a lot for just me and Rosie, but I do love seeing the ornaments that I've collected over the years. I must have the most eclectic/tacky tree around - it has everything from Washington state salmon to Chinamen and every color of the rainbow!! In most cases, I can tell you where I got them and there may be a story attached! While decorating the tree, I thought I'd look for some music on my phone to add to the decorating, so I tried Spotify. So, I'm listening on my phone, which doesn't have much range..... when all of a sudden it begins playing on my TV!!  When I opened an account on Spotify, it asked me to choose 3 or more artists, which were artists like Queen, EJ, Van Morrison, and a little bit of Bruno Mars, Celine Dion, etc. Then it came up with a Day 1 Playlist. So I decorated the tree while listening to some of my favorite oldie goldies (from Saudi days) - they threw in some artists I didn't know, which was great. If I liked them, I listened. If I didn't, I deleted it.  It was a full day of great music and they also showed a playlist for the next few days. I'm liking this more and more.....

I'm not going to bore you with Christmas decorations as I have re-cycled the same ole thing for years. If you want to see the basics, you may go HERE and check out the video in the middle of the entry......same thing only different by a smidgen! Going to that page only reminds me of how long we have been resisting. No wonder I'm tired!!

Our glorious weather has continued, though we have rain this afternoon. Even so, it was 66 when I got up and I was definitely overdressed when I walked Rosie - or she walked me if the truth is told.

December 15: Where has the time gone? After my last post about Spotify, I got inspired. I started looking at speakers like Alexa and found that Home Depot had a doorbuster of Google Home Minis for $19 each. So, I headed down and picked up two, one for the bedroom and one for the den. Now I can say, "Hey, Google, play Freddie Mercury" and it does. I can have music playing while I fall asleep (rather than MSNBC - a great step forward in self-care and sanity). I can ask Google questions or to remind me of things. I then got online and ordered 2 wifi-outlet plugs, one for each Christmas tree. Now I can tell it when to turn on the trees or, better yet, I have scheduled it to turn on and off at specified times. I'm loving this stuff!! After Christmas, I will use the plugs to turn lamps on and off in the evening.

Life has also been busy otherwise. We had a fun Liberal Ladies holiday party. This time it was without a speaker but we had a trivia game about liberal ladies. It was lots of fun and out table (Rachel Maddow) came in second. We were beaten by one point by Nancy Pelosi's table!!

The usual suspects:
Carol, Chris, Me, Tippy, Diane, and Diane's friend.
This photo is from the Democrat Club Christmas Brunch. It was a wonderful spread and we were lucky enough to sit at the table with our local club leader and the speaker for the event, Trav Robertson, who is head of the state Democrat party. The table conversation was fun and Trav was a great speaker.

In the meantime, my computer died, which panicked me as I do the Liberal Ladies newsletter and the Lowcountry Coalition Against Hate's Facebook page!!!! I immediately got online in search of a Geek but could not see one for two days! So, yesterday I went to Best Buy to see a Geek with all fingers crossed. I was helped by a delightful young lady who informed me that if the laptop would not come on, which mine no longer would, there probably wasn't much they could do.😰 Then, she proceeded to use her electrical/charger on my laptop, and - voila - my computer comes to life! My charger had died. So, I feel like I was spared a big expense and it's always a treat to have a positive encounter. Even so, BB didn't have the connection I needed and to order one would not solve the issue until Dec. 24! The young girl told me to check Staples and Target in case they might have one on hand. So, I was able to find one sooner and am able to complete this before Christmas.

After the brunch, while I had on my holiday, red sweater, I thought I'd take a photo of Rosie and me for an ecard to friends. Silly me!!  It was a comedy of errors and I was never able to get Rosie to put her ears up. We looked so silly that I decided to make a gif of it. It is looking doubtful that I will get cards out (protesting Tuesday and having friends over on Thursday), but I hope this will bring cheer (laughter) to your holidays. Please know that I am thinking of you, dear friends, and wishing you all the best at Christmas/Hannukah and the New Year.
Love and
Merry Christmas
Happy Holidays

To All

Friday, November 29, 2019

Thanksgiving and Before

Many thanks for your Thanksgiving wishes. It was a glorious day but not without surprises. I will let you see the photos before I tell the story!

Tippy, Kieran and I decided to go to Hudson's for Thanksgiving this year. Every year Hudson's gives the restaurant to St. Andrew's by the Sea who feeds anyone who shows up on Thanksgiving from 11AM-3PM. Last year they fed 1600 people and it's known for being a diverse group of people. I've heard of it forever but have never been, so this was the year. We got there a little after 11AM and there was already a line. We met a lovely couple from Ontario and a family from Pittsburgh in front of us and a nice, young Mexican family with three kids behind us. It was a fantastic day and everyone was chatty and welcoming. They had face painting for the kids, a band, and Mr; & Mrs. Santa! It was really well planned and staffed. Looking back, my first clue that something was wrong was when Tippy said she was tired and wanted to sit for a minute. It was also sunny and warm, so warm that I took my coat back to the car. There was quite a long wait and as we were getting near, Tippy grabbed my arm firmly and said, "I'm feeling dizzy". I know by the grasp and her fading look that she was serious. The gentleman from Ontario took one arm and he and Kieran walked her toward an ambulance that was there on standby. By the time she is seated, she is throwing up. The paramedics were fantastic - her BP had dropped to 88/62. They called in a second group who checked her BP again (more normal) and did an EKG. She was feeling better by the minute but they recommended they take her to the Emergency Room to be checked out, which they did. She was dehydrated and was given fluids. She was the second person to go to the ER from Hudson's and one of the nurses said we were "dropping like flies" which tickled Tippy! We didn't get lunch but they even offered to pack something for us. All is well that ends well and we'll have to try again next year. Lynn and Tom had also invited me to have Thanksgiving with them, but since I had plans for Hudson's, they invited Rosie and me over for dessert. By the time we walked home, many of our neighbor's were out walking around and enjoying the end of a lovely day.

Check the "Photos from Friends" tab at the top to see what Thanksgiving was like in Albuquerque, NM!!

You can tell from the photos that the day was beautiful. We have been having glorious weather - chilly mornings but sunny and warm (60s) by mid-day. While Jan and I missed the peak of the fall leaves when we did our road trip to the mountains, we have had some color here in my own neighborhood.

From my last blog entry, you know that Chris and I were going to celebrate her birthday by going to see Harriet followed by dinner at Bricco. What I didn't mention is that Chris; birthday was on the 16th and Tippy's was on the 18th. so, I sent an invitation to the usual suspects inviting them to surprise Chris when we showed up at Bricco. Then I sent a second one, excluding Tippy and Kieran, and notified everyone that we would actually surprise them both! I provided a cake and Sally showed up with balloons and Birthday Girl pins. The surprise was fun and I think everyone enjoyed it. Unfortunately, the service was VERY slow but the food was good - and I think we actually pulled off the surprise!!

Lynn, Tom, and I also did our outreach to liberal neighbors, which was fun. Everyone seemed happy to meet each other and it was a good evening. I'm hoping we will follow up with something else after the holidays are over.

Speaking of the holidays, I am in total denial. I'm debating whether or not to put up decorations. It seems like a lot of work just for me; but, if I don't I won't see my ornaments, which I do enjoy. If I'm going to do it, I'd better do it soon to get the most out of it.

Reyna just returned from Mexico and while she was there she had one of my earrings replaced/re-made. I lost one when in Panama and was upset because it was one of my favorites and I have a  matching bracelet. I sent some of my pieces that I never wear to be used to make the replacement.  The goldsmith did an excellent job and I am so happy to have the complete set again. The bracelet was given to me by fellow teachers in Dhahran when I left Saudi and I bought the matching earrings, so they have great sentimental value.

I finally found a fleece jacket for Rosie that is actually long enough. I also found an Advent Calendar for Dogs so, at this point, she is more prepared for the holidays than I am!!

Happy Holidays!

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Odds and Ends!

I'm here nursing a cold with not a lot to report. After the fun road trip with Jan, I had to have my usual reclusive time, which led to limbo time - I haven't been able to focus or get much done since. just lying around in limbo-land. Thus, I am behind in everything!!
Tippy and Rosie time
  • Ann - thank you so much for your recent email. I had not heard from you in a while but thought you were busy grandmothering!! Will be in touch ASAP.
  • Cheryl - all of my routines are broken and I haven't tangled (or walked) in weeks!! Send me anything you've done as a motivator. I hope all is well there.
  • Eileen - we need to catch up, too. No doubt you are as busy as ever!
  • Jan - have been meaning to let you know that I've made the pickled onions and am enjoying them with avocado toast. If I could just find the large sun-dried tomatoes like we had.....not that I really need to, but they would be delicious.
  • Jean M for Doug - a belated Happy Birthday!! It looked like you are celebrating well. Hope you enjoyed the trip.
  • Rhonda T - Rosie and I are still alive (just hibernating!). You asked about Tippy and she is doing you can see. She is out and about and sounding like her usual self. She has lost a lot of weight and has the terrible problem of eating everything she can to add the pounds! We got together this week and she came over for some Rosie time!!
I'm sure there are others to whom I owe a message - please forgive me and be in touch again. I will do better!!

In addition to my usual activities,
  • I have joined World Affairs Council. This month's speaker was Dr. Monica Limpia from Costa Rica, speaking on A Small Country with Big Ideas. It was very interesting and makes me even more interested in visiting Costa Rica.
  • Chris and I went to a Lean Ensemble play, The Humans, about a dysfunctional family at Thanksgiving, which will lead us appropriately into the holidays!! So as not to end on a sad note, we followed the play with a nice meal and good conversation.
  • We also went to see The Capitol Steps (We put the mock in democracy!) on Sunday. They were very entertaining and clever, but then they have had a lot of political material on almost a daily basis. 
It has turned cooler here and it is nice to see the leaves falling and feel the crisp morning air. It seems to add a spring to Rosie's step {and mine} as we take our morning walk. By now, you know that Rosie is Miss Congeniality in the neighborhood. My neighbors about four doors down have two granddaughters who spend Friday nights with them. The girls have drawn pictures - one of two girls and a little dog and the other with a rainbow and "WE ARE HERE"! It is our code that when the pictures are posted on their front door, we are to ring the doorbell and let Rosie play with them! I can let Rosie off the leash halfway up the driveway with the assurance that she will only go to their door and whine until they admit her. Then she will run around in a circle - through the kitchen, dining room and den - until she tires. The girls will try to follow while squealing and laughing all the way. It really is fun. Rosie loves it and it makes me happy, too.

Wednesday, November 13: I began this post several days ago but have just gotten back to finish it. The cold wave has hit and the impeachment starts today, so it seemed like a perfect day to stay inside, stay warm, and possibly get a few things done. 

  • Tonight is Drinking Liberally and I'm introducing a neighbor to the group. I also invited a lady whom I met at the polls last Tuesday to join us - we've got to make those connections.  
  • Tomorrow night is a cocktail party given by one of the steering committee members of LIberal Ladies. This is the same lady whose husband died the day before she had invited us over several months ago! We are all hoping this one is less eventful.
  • Then Friday, Chris and I are going to see Harriet (which has gotten great reviews) and then celebrate Chris' birthday with dinner at a new Italian restaurant, which has also gotten good reviews. If it stays this cold, pasta will hit the spot.
  • Sunday afternoon, Lynn, Tom and I are giving a meet-and-greet for those in our neighborhood whom we have identified as being liberal-minded. We sent the invitation about 10 days ago and included a resource sheet of as many democratic groups as we could identify. It will be interesting to see what kind of response we get.
So, the holidays aren't even here yet and the schedule is already hectic. This part of the year always goes very fast and we will be in a new year before we know it. I'm not sure I'm ready for it.

I thought I'd leave you with this Halloween decoration. My neighbors outdid themselves this year. They usually have these guys out, but having him climbing the tree is a special touch! I'm always amazed at the effort some people put into Halloween, especially since there are so few kids in the neighborhood. Another cute one was of three witches, all is black flowing fabric which moved with the wind, with pointy hats and holding hands. The first time Rosie saw them, she was frightened. She put her tail down and turned to go home! I reassured her and then she just stood there with her nose twitching, trying to get a scent from them. It took us about four passings before she could walk by without being bothered by them.

Take care and stay warm!

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Road Trip with Jan

Today is the rainy day I've been waiting for! Jan and I had a great trip but I've been slammed since returning - Liberal Ladies' newsletter, appointments, meetings, etc. Even today VegFest was scheduled but cancelled due to the weather. Thus, I finally have time to work on this!

Image may contain: dogI had a lazy morning with two cups of coffee in bed while insulting trump on facebook. I finally got out of my PJs and put on a robe. That is as dressed as I'm getting today. Rosie came to the front door for a walk. I opened the door to let her see that it was raining and she turned around and went right back into the bedroom. That is one of the many reasons she is the perfect doggie for me, and I am not the only one who thinks so. My neighbor Tom (of Lynn and Tom) just texted me this meme a few minutes ago. They all know her!

Jan and I had a great time and, other than missing Rosie, it was good to get-away. I picked Jan up in Charleston and we had two nights there. Charleston is such a pretty city and it is always easy to find something new to show guests. It also has great food. We had dinner at 82 Queen, lunch at Husk (which has a delicious vegetarian plate not listed on the menu) and a light dinner at 39 Rue de Jean (Fried Goat Cheese Salad with beets, etc). Our luck with food continued throughout our whole trip. While there we took and on-and-off tour of the city and then drop out to Boone Hall Plantation, which I had not seen before. As you know to expect, photos to follow!

We then had four nights in Asheville, stopping in the Greenville area to check it out a bit. We had a great lunch at the Kitchen Sync. We found it online and when we drove by we thought it was closed. Then we did a second drive-by and there was a sign out front saying "open". So, we turned in and the parking lot out back was full, as was the restaurant. They had many vegetarian options and I settled on the potato tacos upon the waitress's recommendation.  It was delicious and gave me taco ideas. The hostess was from Liverpool and we had a nice chat with her. After lunch, we spent some time seeing a few sites like a downtown park, a covered bridge, and so on. It really is a nice area which I'd like to explore a bit more.

I really enjoyed time in Asheville, which I'd not been to since a child. It is very picturesque, more diverse than here, and a bit funky, which I like. We did another city tour with a fun guide, and it was great to just drive through the city and see the various parts and learn its history. I hadn't realized that Zelda Fitzgerald had spent so much time (and died) there and I came away wanting to read more about her. We had lunch at the Grove Park Inn, which was fantastic. It was a beautiful day and we got a prime seat overlooking the mountains. We then had dinner at the Laughing Seed (vegetarian) in a hippy-ish part of town. More good food all day long!

Our plan for the next day was to take a drive along the Blue Ridge Parkway. We didn't get as far as planned because a tree fell and blocked the road not long after we had gotten on the parkway. It took them about an hour and a half to clear it, so we just watched and chatted with the other folks who were in the same position as we. Once it was cleared, everyone went on their way. That night we had dinner at Benne on Eagle, which was exceptional. I had GRILLED EGGPLANT AND CAULIFLOWER  Fairytale Eggplant, Wild Mushrooms, Field Peas, Sunflower Seed, Preserved Lime. The restaurant has a rich, interesting history, which you can read HERE. After dinner, we walked through The Foundry Hotel of which the restaurant is a part. A band was about to play so we sat just to listen for a bit. Well, once the band began, most of the room got up and danced! It was great. I chatted with one of the ladies who said they just liked to dance to this band. Everyone knew when and where they were playing and just showed up to enjoy themselves. It really was neat and we felt like we'd just stumbled onto a little local tradition.
The next day was devoted to the Biltmore Estate.....and WOW! Being a Tarheel, I am finally glad I can say that I've seen it. The opulence is difficult to describe and I am glad to have finally seen it. The gardens were not at their peak; but, even so, they were beautiful and one could easily imagine their beauty in the spring. Our lunch was at The Stables, which had literally once been the stables with tile walls, wrought iron on the stalls, etc. Our waiter was Carlos who had been voted the Waiter of the Year and he definitely had his shmooze down pat!
After Asheville, we took off for Bryson City where we were to ride the steam train. I'm following my trusty Waze GPS app when we find ourselves on a tertiary road with no GPS. This road is dirt, pretty much one-way. Cars were parked along the side so we knew people were around, but we didn't see anyone. Finally, I see two guys in trucks with hunting dogs, so I stop and ask directions. I told him our destination was Bryson City but we were looking for Looking Glass Falls. To go back to the falls would take us out of our way, but he would lead us to get us back on track to Bryson City. We must have followed him for 20 miles on dirt roads, gravel roads, and finally paved roads. I told Jan I thought we were okay as long as we didn't begin to hear dueling banjoes!! Actually, he was a very nice young man and got us back on track.
I have to mention our good fortune to have stayed at the Marriot in Asheville. The employees were welcoming and helpful, especially in the Bistro. We had breakfast there every morning, and sometimes a light dinner. We got to know John who ran the Bistro in the evenings and enjoyed chatting with him. We were surprised to have a great salad there which both Jan and I have made since returning. It was their Signature Spinach Salad. I was thinking of just a green salad, but it was chocked full of yummy things - brown rice and quinoa, sweet potato, dates, gorgonzola, etc. It was outstanding! Knowing I was vegetarian, he left out the bacon and gave me a larger portion, which I scarfed down like a champ!
In Bryson City, we stayed at the charming McKinley Edwards Inn. The couple running it had only taken over about several months earlier and were very welcoming. They also had great ideas for publicizing and broadening the appeal of the inn. Our time there was very pleasant. The next morning we were out early to take the train. We were lucky to have an informed and interesting young guide (Janessa), as well as a passenger (Craig) who sat across the aisle from us, who had grown up in the area, and was a horticulturist!! He was especially interested in the paw-paw tree and its fruit but he was a wealth of knowledge. It took our minds off the six screaming (literally) children that were also in the car!! Those parents should be ashamed....and those kids will be inflicted on some teacher! Anyway, Janessa hung out with us as much as she could and we enjoyed the info we got from Craig.
Our final stop was in Athens, Ga, which was a lovely town. I don't know what I was expecting but I found it charming. The highlights were driving through the antebellum section and dining at The National. I had the vegetable plate (roasted tatume squash with paprika-salsa verde and preserved lemon; collard green falafel with beet tzatziki and Aleppo chili; roasted zucchini and chickpea salad with mint and tahini-ranch; roasted cauliflower salad with harissa and honey; seared okra with almonds; quinoa salad with roasted tomato; lightly dressed arugula) and it tired with Benne on Eagle for best meals on the trip. It was fantastic and somehow we didn't get a photo of us enjoying it!

We got back to my place and I gathered "The Squad" at our favorite falafel place. It was good to see everyone and catch up. It is great to introduce longtime friends to newer friends and allow them to put faces to the names they hear about here.  In the afternoon, we went to see the Savannah Gardens in Berkley Hall. There was an article about it in a local magazine, but when we went to the gate to get in to see it, he wouldn't let us in. Needless to say, we took that as a challenge!! We came back to my place and looked for phone numbers. I found one of the community realtor and within an hour we were strolling the garden. 

Our last dinner together did not disappoint. We went to La Dolce Vita in Bluffton. When Jan saw it in a restaurant guide, I asked where it was located because I knew I'd seen it before but couldn't remember. Well, it's in the same little strip mall where Chris and I used to make wine. Come to find out, it has been there for about 5 years. The owner/chef was born in Sicily and has been a chef for 40 years, much of it in NYC. Customers order and pick up his bread, pasta sauce, etc. It was excellent Italian food and I brought home as much as I ate. I will definitely be going back.

It was a great visit and I give Jan full credit for a fun trip. She planned the whole thing, made hotel and dinner reservations, everything! It made it very easy on me....and I knew it would be enjoyable for her, as it was for me. Thank you, Jan!

Friday, September 6, 2019

Surviving Dorian!

I had no sooner posted my last post when things began to get serious with Dorian. The good thing about hurricanes is that you have time to prepare and/or evacuate. The bad thing about hurricanes is that it is difficult to come to a decision. I would decide to stay one day and the next morning conditions would change and I'd lean toward staying. After seeing Dorian hover around the Bahamas for so long, I pretty much have decided I should just plan to evacuate. I would not want to be in a dark closet for 24 hours with a storm raging around outside!! 

On Tuesday morning I was dickering about it again and then decided that I had notified relatives that I was coming up and I may as well go, regardless of what Dorian would finally do. I left early Tuesday morning and had an easy trip up with very little traffic. I had to medicate Rosie since she is an anxious traveler - pants the whole time. She took the meds on the first try and was mellow throughout the drive. We were there by noon and checked into the motel.

The manager of the motel was of Indian descent and we had a great conversation talking travel and how it broadens one's outlook. He was born in Fiji, worked in Australia and New Zealand, traveled widely, and now worked in the States. He did say the people in that town were mean or bad.....I can't remember which, and I can well imagine how they react to an Indian person.  The conversation starter was that he spotted my bangles and commented on them! I then told him that I'd worked abroad and we went from there!!

As is usual with all families, there was a little drama. While I don't want it for public consumption, those with the password can see it HERE

Overall, I had a very enjoyable, fun visit but was hoping to get back on Thursday. Chris and Rhonda C. had stayed and gave me a weather report that morning. So, I got up earlier than usual and had breakfast with cousins Larry, Betty, and Peggy. That was the only time I left Rosie in the motel room and I really didn't like doing it. Before leaving for breakfast, I gave her a sedative for the trip. She was not the least bit interested in the Pill Pockets I had used for the trip up, but she did go for cheese!!  We left around 9:30 and got home around 1:30. The traffic was light and it rained most of the way, but I've been on I-95 with much heavier rain. This time it seemed that my timing was right - left early and returned early! It was good to be home! I unpacked the car and still have to put things away. That will happen later today......or tomorrow! 

On the way up, I finished listening to Radium Girls, which was sad but very interesting. On the way back I listened to The Good Neighbor about Mr. Rogers, and I have to say it was great to come back to a nice neighborhood. On our morning walk, we checked in with Reyna, and ran into Lynn and Bogey, as well as other dog walkers. We all caught up on what others had done. This afternoon my neighbor was picking up small branches in his yard and he came over and picked up mine. We were lucky to have only minimal damage - actually no damage at all just a lot of leaves and other debris scattered everywhere. It will be an easy clean-up. We were very lucky. Needless to say, the season has just begun and we are hoping we will not have to do this again anytime soon. 

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Waiting for Dorian!

Hurricane, Turtle, and Waiting...: Waiting on a hurricane is like being stalked by a turtle...As I write this, we are waiting to see what Dorian is going to do. Yesterday, it seemed imminent and I was busy all day making preparations - until I hit the wall around 7PM! I reserved a motel room in Wadesboro with intentions of leaving today. Now it looks like we won't have anything until later in the week. The media is saying it will spend about 24 hours hovering over the Bahamas, in which case it may begin to spin itself out. It is a matter of just waiting!!

Good news to report about Tippy. She came through surgery with flying colors and was released from the hospital in less than a week. I was amazed that she called me the day after surgery when she wasn't even expected to be able to talk that quickly. She was told that she might go home with a feeding tube and trach, but both were removed before she went home. The pathological report was great - they got it all!! The rough part has been being on liquids for a week, but after her followup visit, she has graduated to soft foods. She has done amazingly well and everyone is impressed and thankful for her progress.

Speaking of Tippy and other amazing friends: I was sitting at home minding my own business when the doorbell rang. It was the postman with a package for me, which was puzzling since I hadn't ordered anything. The first thing I did was look at the return address which was from Hawaii! Now I knew it was a mistake except it was addressed to me! The box had a hole in it so I reached inside and tore the hole wider. From it, I drew a lovely yellow shawl with a lovely note for Tippy. It was sent to her from a shawl ministry at a Lutheran church in Hawaii at the request of my friend Rhonda in Alberquerque! The card told the story of their ministry, which was very touching. I could not believe Rhonda's kindness, but it doesn't stop there. I was about to dispose of the box when another card slide into view. I reach inside and there was a second shawl....for me!! I was so touched. I thanked Rhonda and told her I was seeing Tippy the next day and would let her choose the one she wanted. That was just such a nice thing to do. I have great friends!!

I've also discovered that Rhonda is a Pinterest junkie!! She sends these great, personalized cards that she makes herself. I do the Facebook page for the Lowcountry Coalition Against Hate and I'm always looking for something like this to post. I asked if she would mind if I used it and she didn't object. It received the most exposure of anything I have posted thus far - it reached 17,000+ people, over 300 shared it, and one woman used it has her page photo!! I loved it!

South Carolina is becoming quite the place for Presidential candidates. Chris and I had a busy week when we saw and heard both Andrew Yang and Pete Buttigieg. Yang spoke at a restaurant and had a full house. He is a techie and some of his ideas are very forward-looking. He also seemed to be able to fully analyze a problem to get to its source. I was very impressed with him. We had an interesting experience at his event. Chris and I are sitting there with our which and chips waiting for things to start. Suddenly this handsome young man asks if he can join us - who would say no!!  He was a staffer for Yang and sat and talked politics with us for about 15 minutes or so. He excused himself when someone started making announcements. Since Yang was delayed a bit, he came back and chatted some more!! As we have said before, it is so great to see these young people so involved. Mayor Peter had the largest crowd I've seen - 700-800 people. He is very comfortably able to articulate his ideas and views and is willing to actually answer questions rather than hedging. He, too, is very impressive and no doubt has a long political future ahead. It's fun to see them, shake their hands, and get a selfie. 

After Yang left Las Palmas restaurant, he went on the Beaufort and enjoyed a little dancing. I thought THIS was cute.

As though we don't have enough to do, Chris and I attended the most recent meeting of the Lowcountry Immigration Coalition. It occurred after the shooting in El Paso and there were actually 4 new people in attendance in response to the shooting. I plan to attend future meetings and my guess is that Chris will also. It is the best way to know what is happening in the Latinx community and how we might help. No sooner had we done this, than I saw first hand how these people can be exploited. Rayna has a delightful woman helping her, named Antonia. Antonia's husband has also been helping Richard. They had been paying on their car and had almost paid it off when the previous owner came and took it back! I'm sure they felt safe in doing that, knowing that they would not/could not go to the police. I suggested they contact Aimee, the immigration attorney, but they were even afraid to do that. They are such kind and hard-working people. It is difficult to see them treated so badly.

Sun City Democrats held an Empty Chair Town Hall Meeting in response to Lindsey Graham refusing to meet with his Democrat constituents. They had personally delivered a petition to his office with almost 1000 signatures asking that he meet with us. He didn't even bother to reply, so they devised the town hall meeting. No one knew quite what to expect, but it was very cleverly done. There was an energetic MC from Washington. There were also some players who presented all of Lindsey's flip-flops, which were many more than I ever realized.  This was another event that attracted a lot of people.

We also had an opportunity to hear our Congressman, Joe Cunningham, speak on climate change and the environment. We heard that there would be protesters so we had to be sure he had a great turnout. It was actually presented by a committee from a local church and they will be doing more of the same on this issue, which should be interesting. It's good to see groups stepping up

I was looking forward to a cocktail party on Thursday given by one of the Liberal Ladies Steering Committee members (Randie) for our group. Mid-morning on Wednesday I received an alert that the party had been canceled. Randie's husband had died suddenly of a heart attack that very morning. They were having breakfast before going out. Randie left the table to finished getting dressed. When she returned to the table, he was dead!! A memorial service and luncheon were held on Friday and I'm not sure how Randie held it all together. I'm sure things will be different once things settle and she has time to digest it all. So sad!

I will leave you with a Rosie story. Most mornings Rosie stays on the bed until I'm dressed and ready to take her for a walk, but once in a while she will jump off the bed and sit on the rug at the end of the bed - where I can't see her. She will then bark - one playful bark. If I don't respond, she will bark again. When I finally get up and round the corner, she is in that playful, front-paws-down pose, tail wagging. Once I get closer, she hops up and runs back onto the bed, ready to play. On those mornings I accuse her of waking up naughty!! She is a mess!!

The only other thing to let you know is that I've added a tab at the top called Photos from Friends. I thought it might be fun to share photos of friends we have in common. I'll give it a try and see how it goes.

Sunday, August 11, 2019

A Hot, Busy August!

July and August have proven to be busy times. On the 16th of July, Chris and I had a Progressive Ladies' luncheon and then later in the day attended an ACLU workshop.  It focused on being informed and asking candidates strong questions that will draw out their positions on specific issues. There were quite a few people present and it is always energizing to be around such wonderful, motivated young people.

I was so pleased when Cheryl made time for a visit. Other than my principal, she was the first person I met when I went to Saudi. I arrived late at night but she had food ready and Jan had sent over a bottle of wine. At our first meeting, even late in the evening, I remember us talking for a good, long time. We have remained friends ever since and it was good to have a chance to catch-up, recalling everything from Nurse Neva and Ivan the Terrible to trips taken together. I'm fortunate to have such good friends and good memories. It was also nice to be able to do a few things around here at our own pace. We did a little walking tour of Bluffton with Rosie and also had an afternoon at Palmetto Bluff, one of my favorite places. As I always try to do, I called the troops (my local friends) to get together for lunch at the Olive and Fig. Cheryl and I pick up Reyna and Lynn while Tippy and Chris met us there. As we were picking the others up, I mentioned that I might begin referring to us in my blog and "The Girl Gang." Without hesitation, Lynn said, "I've got a better one - The Squad!!" She was right! From henceforth we shall be known as The Squad!! Everyone was in fine form at lunch and there were lots of laughs. I'm mad at myself for forgetting to take a photo...and that no one in the Squad reminded me (that is their charge from now on!)! For me, it was a real joy to share time with longtime friends and relatively new ones. Needless to say, the weekend went by much too quickly but I do hope we will be able to get together again soon.

Otherwise, my typical routine continues. Most recently, I've done the Liberal Ladies' newsletter (which you can see HERE) and am an administrator for the Lowcountry Coalition Against Hate's Facebook page. Being vegetarian, I enjoy preparing my own food (and all of my guests have been very gracious about a veggie menu, although I do try to give them many opportunities to have other options away from home). My Instant Pot is a lifesaver in the summer and I've experimented with it a lot. After Cheryl's visit, I'm also trying to get back into zentangle again, however slowly.  My walking routine continues. Out of the last 48 days, I have only missed 10 days, which is very good for me. There is also Drinking Liberally, which we now have a Bluffton and a Hilton Head chapter, with both going strong. Here are some photos from Tippy.

I'm sure you've all heard of the horrible mass shooting in Texas and Ohio. It is just such a sad time in this country and it is difficult not to feel that we are teetering on the edge of the abyss. Each day is worse than the last and our leader (the term used very loosely) is a madman. There are days that are just sad to the bone. Shortly after the shooting, our local Indivisible and Moms Demand Action organized a vigil/protest. It drew only about 100 people, but it was hurriedly arranged in less than 36 hours, so for this area, it was a good turnout. I attended and was impressed with the service itself and the opportunity to unite with others who hate to see what guns (and those who value them more than life itself!) are doing to this country. My hope is that this is an episode that we will not let pass as more obscene news breaks. The coverage of one of our local news stations can be seen HERE.

That brings us to yesterday when Chris and I did part 2 of our donate-to-a-fundraiser/tour-a-home project! This time the fundraiser was a brunch in Beaufort to benefit Jaime Harrison, who is running against Leningrad Lindsey. The hosts live in a fabulous apartment with a grand marsh view. There were about 50 people in attendance, with many new faces. Jaime was there also and he is a great person/candidate.  He is a wonderful storyteller and his personal story is compelling - born to a single mother of 16, going to Stanford and Harvard, working with James Clyburn, and so much more! Our hope is that he will become better known and get the backing he needs. Needless to say, we will do everything we can to help.

Chris and I rode over together for the brunch but she needed to be home by 2PM, so we made a quick stop by the new Herban Market (vegan) to pick up falafel wraps....yum! I came home and played with Rosie for a little while (feeling guilty that I would be away for much of the day), before taking off for Beaufort again, this time to attend the Warren office opening from 2-4PM. I had not intended to go but got a text from Kelsey, a staffer who has been faithful to attend all events, and I hated not to go. The main speaker had spent time in Saudi during the Gulf War, so we had a chat. They also had folders for each of Elizabeth's "plans" containing a synopsis of the plan, which Chris and I had already talked about - make them short and easy to understand. I also ran into several people who had been to the morning brunch, so I didn't feel like a total political wonk!! They were the people who were wearing a "Make Lying Wrong Again" sticker! I only stayed for about an hour, but yesterday's schedule ensured a day at home today! Were it not for walking Rosie, I probably would not have gotten out of my PJs today!!

Tippy goes in for her surgery tomorrow and I know you will hold her in your thoughts. She is very positive, as is her medical team. I am Plan B to do whatever I can whenever I'm needed....and Lynn has volunteered to keep Rosie if I need to go up to Charleston! We will all feel better when a clean bill of health is issued. Tippy has her own version of MAGA - Make Amick Great Again!!  We're all for that! 

As you can see, I've been playing with Google slides. So far, I really like it, though I can't do everything I'd like to do. This is my first time playing with it so maybe I just haven't figured it all out yet.

Hope this finds everyone doing well and enjoying the summer - and staying (or being) cool!!
Love to all!

Monday, July 15, 2019

July in Full Swing!

Summer is here with a vengeance and I've chosen this time of year to start a walking routine!! I've needed to do this for a long time as I'm the heaviest I've ever been, but I couldn't begin to tackle it. Then, I saw this poster online and thought 'even I can walk for 15 minutes'!!  Previously I' d been thinking about walking miles as I used to do but realized I'd been thinking about it wrong. Instead of miles, I could do minutes and gradually increase the time as the weather improves. Our routine is now that I take Rosie out for her mosey (Mosey with Rosie) and then I put my walking shoes on and go out for 15 minutes or so. I started on June 23rd and have only missed 5 days so far. I can't tell any difference at all except I know it's better than not doing it, so I'm hanging in.

One reason that I'm not losing weight is that Reyna keeps inviting me over for Chili Rellenos and other specialties (and Drinking Liberally meets at a Mexican restaurant)!! Several have asked about her new little girl and here she is - Suzanne. Now that school is out she hardly ever gets to lie down or get settled.....she's carried around all day by her older sisters. She really is a cutie and a good baby.

While 2020 is a ways off, things have been busy here. Chris and I have found a fun way to contribute to campaigns - we sign up to attend cocktail party/fundraisers. It's almost like a tour of homes! The first one we went to was held at a 6000 sq. ft. home overlooking Calibogue Sound. It was an amazing house, a fantastic view, and an enjoyable evening. We've also signed up for a brunch in Beaufort to benefit Jamie Harrison, who is running against Lindsey Graham.  We've heard Jamie speak before, but he will be attending the brunch and we'll see him in a different setting.....and maybe get a selfie!! 

Yesterday, we (Chris and I) went to a Women for Warren gathering at another beautiful home on Callawassee Island. I was interested because the invitation specifically said that she (Warren) wanted to mobilize women, which I'm all for. We've seen where 200+ years of men have gotten us and I fully believe women can do better and will behave differently. She definitely has my attention! 

And I mustn't forget that we got a short notice that Joe Cunningham was in town and meeting with constituents at the old oyster factory park, so we went to that also. He is such a nice guy and I do hope he will be re-elected. We will have our work cut out for us.

We are also signed up for an ACLU workshop tomorrow called Rights for All. I expect that to be very informative.

On Friday, Tippy, Kieran and I attended Lights for Liberty vigil in Beaufort to protest the treatment of those seeking asylum at our southern border. It was the first time in ages I've LEFT my house at 7PM to attend an event!!  Usually, 7PM is time for me to get home! We were pleased that the crowd numbered around 200. There were three speakers - an Episcopal priest, a rabbi, and George K., who has worked on immigration issues as long as I've been here. They all were short and sweet but hit just the right tone. Then we marched to the Richard V. Woods Memorial Bridge and had 5 minutes of silence for those at the border. The original plan was to walk on the bridge and have the vigil there, but it was the opening night of the Beaufort Water Festival and permits could not be obtained. It all worked out well since we were able to see the fireworks from the festival as we drove home.....a nice way to end the evening.

Believe it or not, I have managed to get a few other things done and my bust of energy remains. I had three area rugs cleaned and they brighten up the whole place. This Flokati is Rosie's favorite play area and here she is inspecting the clean rug. She's glad to have it back.

I thought I was going to have company over the July 4th as my cousin texted to say that he and his wife would be on the island from noon on the 3rd until noon on the 4th!?!? Don't even ask!!  I was wide open so just asked them to let me know what was convenient for them. I got another text on the night of the 3rd saying they could meet me for coffee at 1PM on the 4th, but I suggested they just stop by here. So, I got busy and made a little cheese plate and a blueberry tart. One PM came and went, as did 3PM.  I texted several times saying that I was getting concerned. Not a word until the next morning when he said they had to leave suddenly. I hoped there was no, they just had to leave unexpectedly!!  He said he had texted me but I didn't receive it and the only problem was that I was left with a whole blueberry tart and loads of good cheese!!!

So, to rid myself of the temptation, I decided to invite Rosie's boyfriend, Bogey, to come over for a play-date and bring his mom and dad (Lynn and Tom) with him!! Bogey has visited only once when Mama Mia was still alive. Needless to say, that didn't go well. He was very excited to have a new place to explore and everyone seemed to enjoy it.  He/they will definitely be invited again. Isn't that the cutest picture of him? Lynn sent it along with a Happy 4th message. He looks on his best behavior. 

With all of that, both Rosie and I have been to our respective doctors and gotten a clean bill of health, though she was not pleased to get her shots. It took me two days to get back into her good graces. Tippy invited us for a nice walk on the beach on a morning that turned out to be very tolerable - overcast and with a breeze. It's always fun to see her off leash where she can run and explore.....and Tippy and I never run out of things to talk about.

An update on Tippy: She had her biopsy and it is cancerous. She remains very positive and has a medical team that is confident they can go for the cure. They meet today to develop a plan for her and Tippy will go up tomorrow to get details. She has a fantastic support team here but I'm sure she would appreciate your good thoughts as well, and I will keep you posted.

Happy Birthday Happy Birthday To You GIF - HappyBirthday HappyBirthdayToYou Greetings GIFsIt's also been a busy month for birthdays!! I hope I'm not forgetting anyone when I wish

Ann W
Sharon B
Melodee D
Jane M
Jean M
Eileen H

Very Happy Birthdays!

Friday, June 21, 2019

Into Summer

Shortly after my last post extolling our great weather, South Carolina set records! Not in education, healthcare, or anything benefiting the populace, but in the weather. Over the holiday weekend, Beaufort was the hottest town in the country exceeding 100 degrees. The following week, Bluffton received the highest rainfall in the country. The sky just opened and it poured. I heard that we received between 5-6 inches in a few hours. Since then we have continued to get moderate amounts of rain, which we really needed. Lawns were getting burn spots and the lagoons were really down, so things do look much better. 

There isn't a lot to report since my last post, but I just wanted to touch bases with everyone. As I look at my calendar, I've been busy but mostly with regularly scheduled events, groups, friends, etc. Chis and I took in a good movie, Red Joan with Judi Dench, followed by a good meal at our favorite Middle Eastern restaurant. Then her friend Sue, whom I've gotten to know, visited and we got together for a chatty dinner. I regret that I didn't get myself together enough to invite them over to see our Africa video (though Chris had already seen it and twice might be too much!!) as Sue was very interested in our trip. She has the link but it might be more fun watching it with others. 

Yesterday I did just that with a few neighbors. I have two neighbors whom I don't know well ask about the trip as he said it was on his bucket list. So, I invited them over, along with Lynn and Tom (neighbors and friends) and Tippy and Kieran. I'm not a great entertainer but this seemed casual enough for me to manage and enjoy. No sooner had I gotten the food and drinks together than I receive a call from Dolores saying they couldn't come!! Bill had hurt his neck/back and couldn't come, so I encouraged her to come on her own, which she did. I just thought it would be a good opportunity to answer any questions they might have...anyway, we had a good time and Tippy and I enjoyed seeing it again and reliving parts of it. I'll send the link to Bill and if he has questions, he can find me.

At a recent Drinking Liberally, I was surprised by this cute gift from my friend David! Needless to say, he knows and likes Rosie, so the gift may actually be for her. It seemed a shame to stick it in a cupboard, so I am using it as a little cactus garden.

Our Drinking Liberally group has grown or, more correctly, split into two in Bluffton and one on the island. So now every Wednesday of the month one can eat and drink with liberal thinkers. I'm still planning to go twice a month and rotate between the two groups as there are people in both groups with whom I'd like to remain in touch. This week the HHI group had 24 people show up, which is very good for the summer when people have lots of things happening.

I was invited to a fun cocktail by one of the ladies, Myla, on the Liberal Ladies steering committee. She isn't here full time and just felt she wanted to get to know us better. She's a very vibrant personality and as it turns out, she has won a Tony Award for producing Pippin!!  She continues to be involved in that type of thing which is why she is out of town so much. Her husband happens to be Larry Kramer, the former publisher of USA Today. One interesting thing about living here is that for a place its size you run into a lot of interesting people.
After finishing our trip video, I had a burst of energy and got a lot of things done around the house. That is totally unlike me so I had to ride the wave as long as it lasted. I got rid of two rugs and replaced them with fresher, better-looking ones - in the process pulling something in my neck! Assembled and donated all of my cat supplies, including the cat condo, which is the best one I've ever seen. The people at the thrift shop sent an email to tell me they had sold it that very day......and I had to practically beg them to pick it up because it wasn't "furniture"!!!  I knew someone would love it. I  also got rid of lots of stuff like these cameras, long outdated but difficult to throw away because they bring back fond memories of Thailand!! Am I the only one who holds on to this type of stuff.....I've got loads of it. In any case, I hope the mood strikes again.

I also put up this little birdhouse outside the sunroom. Before our trip back in mid-March, there was a little bird that kept fluttering at the sunroom window. He wasn't smacking into it, he was fluttering against it, would peck at it and even light on the screen. I just thought he would eventually go away, but Curtis even commented on him while he was petsitting. When I came home, he was still here. So, I went out and bought this little colorful birdhouse and put it where he fluttered most....and for the last week, he hasn't been around! Well, buddy, that's the best I can do. You are going to have to figure out the rest!!

File this under Who Would Have Thunk It!  
Little Bluffton is having its first Pride Parade on Saturday! While some of the local liberals will be in Columbia for the state Democratic convention, the rest of us need to show up for this. Somehow Facebook has gotten wind of it and is supporting it and about 4 other similar small-town events. Thus ⇩

Almost all (too many!) of the Democrat candidates are showing up for the SC Dem.convention so MSNBC is covering it all day Saturday. I'll be glad when we get down to a serious number and have a better idea of who will actually run against trump. 

Pauline, who is in the States visiting her family, just called and we had a nice chat. She is hoping to stop by here on her visit next year, which will be nice. I'm also looking forward to seeing Cheryl next month and Melodee in the early fall. Jan also mentioned visiting in the fall so 2019 is shaping up to be a good year for visitors, which I like.

On a less happy note: Tippy was on her way home from the mountains on Monday and texted me to ask if I wanted to join her for a glass of wine when she got to Bluffton. Naturally, I agreed, just expecting to chat and catch up. Her real motive was to tell me that her throat cancer had returned. I was stunned....and couldn't imagine how she felt! Her local doctor wanted to wait a month but she proactively sought a second option at MUSC, which has one of the leading throat clinics in the nation - who knew?? She is there today in prep for a biopsy in early July. She is her usual cheerful, optimistic self and has a great outlook, as well as a massive support system with everyone already offering to help in any way. As anyone who has experienced or cared for someone with health issues, there is a helpless feeling about it. Tippy has everything working in her favor and it is a matter of helping her get through it and back into action. We/she has more places to see and people to meet. I'm holding positive, healing thoughts for her.