Friday, November 29, 2019

Thanksgiving and Before

Many thanks for your Thanksgiving wishes. It was a glorious day but not without surprises. I will let you see the photos before I tell the story!

Tippy, Kieran and I decided to go to Hudson's for Thanksgiving this year. Every year Hudson's gives the restaurant to St. Andrew's by the Sea who feeds anyone who shows up on Thanksgiving from 11AM-3PM. Last year they fed 1600 people and it's known for being a diverse group of people. I've heard of it forever but have never been, so this was the year. We got there a little after 11AM and there was already a line. We met a lovely couple from Ontario and a family from Pittsburgh in front of us and a nice, young Mexican family with three kids behind us. It was a fantastic day and everyone was chatty and welcoming. They had face painting for the kids, a band, and Mr; & Mrs. Santa! It was really well planned and staffed. Looking back, my first clue that something was wrong was when Tippy said she was tired and wanted to sit for a minute. It was also sunny and warm, so warm that I took my coat back to the car. There was quite a long wait and as we were getting near, Tippy grabbed my arm firmly and said, "I'm feeling dizzy". I know by the grasp and her fading look that she was serious. The gentleman from Ontario took one arm and he and Kieran walked her toward an ambulance that was there on standby. By the time she is seated, she is throwing up. The paramedics were fantastic - her BP had dropped to 88/62. They called in a second group who checked her BP again (more normal) and did an EKG. She was feeling better by the minute but they recommended they take her to the Emergency Room to be checked out, which they did. She was dehydrated and was given fluids. She was the second person to go to the ER from Hudson's and one of the nurses said we were "dropping like flies" which tickled Tippy! We didn't get lunch but they even offered to pack something for us. All is well that ends well and we'll have to try again next year. Lynn and Tom had also invited me to have Thanksgiving with them, but since I had plans for Hudson's, they invited Rosie and me over for dessert. By the time we walked home, many of our neighbor's were out walking around and enjoying the end of a lovely day.

Check the "Photos from Friends" tab at the top to see what Thanksgiving was like in Albuquerque, NM!!

You can tell from the photos that the day was beautiful. We have been having glorious weather - chilly mornings but sunny and warm (60s) by mid-day. While Jan and I missed the peak of the fall leaves when we did our road trip to the mountains, we have had some color here in my own neighborhood.

From my last blog entry, you know that Chris and I were going to celebrate her birthday by going to see Harriet followed by dinner at Bricco. What I didn't mention is that Chris; birthday was on the 16th and Tippy's was on the 18th. so, I sent an invitation to the usual suspects inviting them to surprise Chris when we showed up at Bricco. Then I sent a second one, excluding Tippy and Kieran, and notified everyone that we would actually surprise them both! I provided a cake and Sally showed up with balloons and Birthday Girl pins. The surprise was fun and I think everyone enjoyed it. Unfortunately, the service was VERY slow but the food was good - and I think we actually pulled off the surprise!!

Lynn, Tom, and I also did our outreach to liberal neighbors, which was fun. Everyone seemed happy to meet each other and it was a good evening. I'm hoping we will follow up with something else after the holidays are over.

Speaking of the holidays, I am in total denial. I'm debating whether or not to put up decorations. It seems like a lot of work just for me; but, if I don't I won't see my ornaments, which I do enjoy. If I'm going to do it, I'd better do it soon to get the most out of it.

Reyna just returned from Mexico and while she was there she had one of my earrings replaced/re-made. I lost one when in Panama and was upset because it was one of my favorites and I have a  matching bracelet. I sent some of my pieces that I never wear to be used to make the replacement.  The goldsmith did an excellent job and I am so happy to have the complete set again. The bracelet was given to me by fellow teachers in Dhahran when I left Saudi and I bought the matching earrings, so they have great sentimental value.

I finally found a fleece jacket for Rosie that is actually long enough. I also found an Advent Calendar for Dogs so, at this point, she is more prepared for the holidays than I am!!

Happy Holidays!

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Odds and Ends!

I'm here nursing a cold with not a lot to report. After the fun road trip with Jan, I had to have my usual reclusive time, which led to limbo time - I haven't been able to focus or get much done since. just lying around in limbo-land. Thus, I am behind in everything!!
Tippy and Rosie time
  • Ann - thank you so much for your recent email. I had not heard from you in a while but thought you were busy grandmothering!! Will be in touch ASAP.
  • Cheryl - all of my routines are broken and I haven't tangled (or walked) in weeks!! Send me anything you've done as a motivator. I hope all is well there.
  • Eileen - we need to catch up, too. No doubt you are as busy as ever!
  • Jan - have been meaning to let you know that I've made the pickled onions and am enjoying them with avocado toast. If I could just find the large sun-dried tomatoes like we had.....not that I really need to, but they would be delicious.
  • Jean M for Doug - a belated Happy Birthday!! It looked like you are celebrating well. Hope you enjoyed the trip.
  • Rhonda T - Rosie and I are still alive (just hibernating!). You asked about Tippy and she is doing you can see. She is out and about and sounding like her usual self. She has lost a lot of weight and has the terrible problem of eating everything she can to add the pounds! We got together this week and she came over for some Rosie time!!
I'm sure there are others to whom I owe a message - please forgive me and be in touch again. I will do better!!

In addition to my usual activities,
  • I have joined World Affairs Council. This month's speaker was Dr. Monica Limpia from Costa Rica, speaking on A Small Country with Big Ideas. It was very interesting and makes me even more interested in visiting Costa Rica.
  • Chris and I went to a Lean Ensemble play, The Humans, about a dysfunctional family at Thanksgiving, which will lead us appropriately into the holidays!! So as not to end on a sad note, we followed the play with a nice meal and good conversation.
  • We also went to see The Capitol Steps (We put the mock in democracy!) on Sunday. They were very entertaining and clever, but then they have had a lot of political material on almost a daily basis. 
It has turned cooler here and it is nice to see the leaves falling and feel the crisp morning air. It seems to add a spring to Rosie's step {and mine} as we take our morning walk. By now, you know that Rosie is Miss Congeniality in the neighborhood. My neighbors about four doors down have two granddaughters who spend Friday nights with them. The girls have drawn pictures - one of two girls and a little dog and the other with a rainbow and "WE ARE HERE"! It is our code that when the pictures are posted on their front door, we are to ring the doorbell and let Rosie play with them! I can let Rosie off the leash halfway up the driveway with the assurance that she will only go to their door and whine until they admit her. Then she will run around in a circle - through the kitchen, dining room and den - until she tires. The girls will try to follow while squealing and laughing all the way. It really is fun. Rosie loves it and it makes me happy, too.

Wednesday, November 13: I began this post several days ago but have just gotten back to finish it. The cold wave has hit and the impeachment starts today, so it seemed like a perfect day to stay inside, stay warm, and possibly get a few things done. 

  • Tonight is Drinking Liberally and I'm introducing a neighbor to the group. I also invited a lady whom I met at the polls last Tuesday to join us - we've got to make those connections.  
  • Tomorrow night is a cocktail party given by one of the steering committee members of LIberal Ladies. This is the same lady whose husband died the day before she had invited us over several months ago! We are all hoping this one is less eventful.
  • Then Friday, Chris and I are going to see Harriet (which has gotten great reviews) and then celebrate Chris' birthday with dinner at a new Italian restaurant, which has also gotten good reviews. If it stays this cold, pasta will hit the spot.
  • Sunday afternoon, Lynn, Tom and I are giving a meet-and-greet for those in our neighborhood whom we have identified as being liberal-minded. We sent the invitation about 10 days ago and included a resource sheet of as many democratic groups as we could identify. It will be interesting to see what kind of response we get.
So, the holidays aren't even here yet and the schedule is already hectic. This part of the year always goes very fast and we will be in a new year before we know it. I'm not sure I'm ready for it.

I thought I'd leave you with this Halloween decoration. My neighbors outdid themselves this year. They usually have these guys out, but having him climbing the tree is a special touch! I'm always amazed at the effort some people put into Halloween, especially since there are so few kids in the neighborhood. Another cute one was of three witches, all is black flowing fabric which moved with the wind, with pointy hats and holding hands. The first time Rosie saw them, she was frightened. She put her tail down and turned to go home! I reassured her and then she just stood there with her nose twitching, trying to get a scent from them. It took us about four passings before she could walk by without being bothered by them.

Take care and stay warm!