For days I've been trying to sit and write, but mostly to wish everyone a Happy and Joyous Holiday before it's over! After being set up as children to expect such wonderful things at Christmastime, I think as adults it's difficult (if not impossible) to "feel" the holiday as much as we think we should. I started out just planning to get through it (wait it out!), but over time, especially with friends, I've gotten more into the spirit.
Today we have a storm passing through, though it isn't as severe as I expected.....just dark and rainy. Up until now, we have had absolutely wonderful weather. Even the dark days have been warm enough to get by with just a light jacket at best. Usually, after a storm like this, it drops us down a few degrees, so we may go from the 70s to the 60s. I'm okay as long as the nights don't get into the 30s (our houses aren't built for that) and the days are sunny!
Thanksgiving was quiet but bountiful with food and friends. We vegetarians, Chris and I, got together for lunch with the intention of making it as easy as possible. We got a delicious mushroom roast, green beans, and Scarlet pie (Yum!) from Whole Foods. Chris added a cauliflower cheese casserole and I did sweet potatoes. All of that for two people!! Everything was tasty and we had leftovers for days.![]() |
Jo, Chris, and Karen |
Speaking of Chris, as you can see from the photo, she is doing well and making steady progress. Her sisters visited for about a week and they wasted no time in getting her up and out of the house, which had to be a real treat for Chris. Her sister Karen is a nurse so she knew what to do and how to go about it. They also flung open the blinds, put on the Christmas music, commandeered the kitchen, and had Lynn, Tom, and me over for dinner one night. It was both delightful and delicious. They have a great sense of humor and it was fun to hear the sisterly banter! During their visit, Chris had her doctor's appointment and got the nod to begin putting weight on the leg. At her next physio appointment, he had her on the walker and walking from her kitchen to the bedroom twice. There will be no stopping her now! A huge "Thank you" to Jo and Karen for a fun evening and the boost they gave Chris.
The photo above and the ones to the left were taken on the same day, December 3rd. I point that out only to confirm our beautiful weather. While Chris was gallivanting around the beach, Tippy and Kieran invited me to join them for an outdoor concert in HHP. Of course, it began with food - lunch at our favorite spot, Olive and Fig. The day could not have been better and there was a great turnout for the concert. The HH Big Band was situated between the tents in the bottom photo. We were across the street slightly to the right of the band and an even larger group of people was directly across from them. The music, along with 2 vocalists, was surprisingly good. I think everyone wanted to be outside on such a nice day, which made it great for people-watching, too. Thanks to T and K for thinking of me!
The three of us along with Rhonda went to see Educating Rita by The Lean Ensemble (Sunday matinee). I really enjoyed it and now would like to see the movie again. The other oldie I'd like to see is Love Actually. Diane Sawyer did an interview with the cast, all of whom I find likable. I'd love to see the movie again before watching the interview.
I've also run across some interesting books (audiobooks) lately. Grace popped up on my reserve list and it didn't even ring a bell! It is written by Cody Keenan, President Obama's main speechwriter, and the process itself was enlightening. The audiobook was read by the author, who had his oven Obama voice when quoting the President. It was also interesting to see how Obama worked with his staff. I found it enjoyable and enlightening. Another is Madly, Deeply, the diaries of Alan Rickman. While I have to skip through it because the diary style becomes a bit repetitive, his manner, analysis, humor, articulation, and the people he comes in contact with, etc. are so interesting! He definitely has a way with words! And finally, The Extraordinary Life of an Ordinary Man, a compilation of oral interviews by and about Paul Newman. While hearing his own analysis of certain aspects of his life, I'm still unsure of how I feel about him as a person......still very interesting. Anything interesting you would recommend??
Since it is Christmas, this is my gift to myself - a new, real coffee maker! I have been getting no satisfaction with my morning coffee (Mr. Coffee), so I checked with Wirecutter of the NYT. Of course, their best recommendations were $300-$400, which wasn't going to happen. That's not Donna! But, they also happened to have a lower-priced recommendation, which was this one, a Ninja. This was my second morning with it and I can tell a difference - my coffee is better! I've also treated myself to a short subscription to the Atlas Coffee Club and should be receiving coffees from around the world. Now, I'm up from about 1/2 cup in the morning to 2 full cups! Is that good or bad?I'm also going to treat myself to new glasses. In a way, I hate to spend the money because my distance vision is so good since my cataract surgery, but my near vision is crap and everything I have to do within arms reach requires searching for or getting out glasses. And then there is a separate pair of sunglasses. I'm going to get what I'm used to (and like) - the all-in-one kind that is worn all the time. That will make like easier and less bothersome.
Look what popped up on Facebook not too long ago! That's my sweet Rosie! I can assure you she did NOT "love" being at the vet! This was obviously taken when she was in to have her teeth cleaned. Thankfully, all went well and she does appear to feel better.I have to tell you about our neighbors and our walks, even though I'm sure I've told you before. This past week, we were walking and a neighbor a couple of houses up passed by in their car and waved. When we got to their house, they were waiting for us! They said they had been looking for us since they hadn't seen us in a while, which I thought was so sweet. As we chatted, Rosie got the zoomies and another passerby stopped his car and said he'd never seen Rosie move that fast!! That kind of thing happens all the time. Another day, a couple had stopped (in their car) to chat, when my cleaning ladies also stopped their car, got out, and came over to love Rosie! We're so lucky to have such sweet and welcoming neighbors.
Rather than boring you with my tired Christmas decorations, I'm going to bore you with my tree ornaments. Seeing them once a year is about the only thing that motivates me to put up a tree at all, but I do love seeing them and remembering where, when, with whom, or by whom they arrived on the tree. It also has to be one of the most eclectic trees around!
I hope your holiday is full of love, peace, and joy!
Merry Christmas!
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