To reinforce my values and do my civic duty, I went to see Bill when he was here campaigning for Hillary. They are both amazing people when it comes to how much they know and how they can articulate it ('Splainer-in-Chief!). He spoke for about an hour. About 30 minutes in, a Benghazi protester interrupted him. The President asked to answer his question, but obviously he didn't want that - he just kept going until he was removed by the police. As soon as he was out, his female friend started up. Once they were both removed, Bill addressed the Benghazi event and the numerous committees that have investigated it. Does anyone really think that if there was anything to prosecute that the Repugs would not already have done it! Anyway, when it was over and I was walking back to my car, a "lady" driving down the street rolled down her window and shouted, "You're supporting a rapist!" Welcome to Repugland - South Carolina!
This weekend, as a diversion, I'm binge watching House of Cards in preparation for the beginning of the next season. It seems like light entertainment compared to current politics! I am only able to do this because I finally broke down and bought a Smart-TV. I can now stream Netflix and others. The picture is also crystal clear. I had an involved story to tell you about it all, but the short version is that I spent twice as much as I intended, it took three days to install it and get it functioning correctly, none of my old equipment works with the new stuff.....but I can stream Netflix!!!
"Don't declare war of Congress, Mr. President". "I'm not, I'm declaring war on atrophy"....(aside: "But these days, who can tell the difference?)
---Netflix, House of Cards
- Liberal Ladies of the Lowcountry
- Primary Watch at Fat Patties
- Drinking Liberally
- Progressive Luncheon at Mellow Mushroom
- Reconnecting via Facebook with a high school friend, who was also my college roommate. Turns out she's a liberal, too! So good to be in touch again and many years to catch up on.
- Enjoying some nice weather - all this week should be in the 70's
- Clearing the road out our back gate of beer cans and bottles. I kept seeing all this stuff by the roadside when Rosie and I were out for our walk, si I took a few minutes and collected all the cans and bottles.
- Feeding Georgie, the feral cat, who misses Zorro
- Puppy Class 2 with Rosie
- Tax info to CPA way earlier than usual!
- Reading (Living the Secular Life (Zuckerman) and Between the World and Me (Coates)
- Making wine with Chris for Eileen's visit - can't wait!

I did have a funny thing happen on Valentine's Day. Rosie was looking out the front window and barking, which I ignored as she barks at anything moving. Later when I walked by, I notice this pretty gift bag by the front door. I immediately thought, "Oh, one of my neighbors has remembered me on Valentine's Day! How nice!" You can imagine my surprise when I opened it to find that it was for Rosie!! It was this cute little stuffed bear from Grady, one of her boyfriends in the neighborhood. The note said:
To Rosie
Love, Grady
Phone number
Call Me!
That was so cute and I got a good laugh out of it. Unfortunately the little bear lasted about 20 minutes - ear chewed off, stuffing pulled out and squeaky box destroyed!
That was so cute and I got a good laugh out of it. Unfortunately the little bear lasted about 20 minutes - ear chewed off, stuffing pulled out and squeaky box destroyed!
On a sad note, one of my friends at Drinking Liberally lost her husband to cancer a few weeks ago. He was a gentle, charming man. They had not been to DL in a while and when I was Christmas shopping, I stopped in her place of work to say hello. That's when I learned how bad it was. I've kept in touch with her and had her over for dinner on Monday. Life is so difficult and it takes so little to help someone else. I hope I've been a support to her - at least gotten her out of the house. Then, when Chris and I were ready to make wine, I emailed Jane at The Vintner's Club, as I usually do, only to be told that Brent, her husband, had been in hospital for 10 days with Swine Flu!! It is really touch-and-go! He's been in the hospital for two weeks, totally sedated (is that an induced coma?), on a ventalator, etc. and has opened his eyes only once! He is a gentle, big bear of a man and it is so hard to imagine this. Needless to say, I've offered to help in any way I can, but that seems so little at a time like this.
On a less sad note, I will leave you with this short clip, titled Rosie Singing, Accompanied with Squeaky Toy. Enjoy!
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