Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Storm Debby Sweeps Through!

This is an impromptu entry as I am at a standstill. The realtor had arranged to photograph the house today but, of course, tropical storm Debby had other ideas. So, I've spent days "putting away" things in order to present the appearance of a sterile house (in my humble opinion!). While I have the time to get lots done, anything I need to do creates a big mess in the process! So, I'm forced to use this time as rest time in preparation for what lies ahead.

Debby has not been all that bad. We've had days of gentle, slow (but constant) rain. Those who have followed the blog for a while have seen photos of my backyard during heavy rains. That has not happened, thank goodness! There also has not been much wind, which is always scary to me. At this point, it only seems a matter of waiting it out. 

Hiding from the storm.
You can imagine how the storm has affected Rosie. The first day and a half, I had to medicate her 3 times, which also necessitated going to the vet for more medication. Yesterday, I didn't have to do it but once at bedtime, and today seems to be going the same way. My hope is that she is becoming a little more acclimated to bad weather. The other issue is getting her outside to pee and poo. We've gotten drenched twice, and still no poo! Nor has she pooed in the house. I don't know how she's holding it! I put her outside in between showers, but it's like she's got to get her 10,000 steps before she can consider a poo! I'm hoping we can get a good walk in soon!!

Well, it's difficult to describe the positive change that has happened in our political life! I was returning home from donating books to the library, stopped at a stop light, when I received a text from Lynn asking if the pan pals needed to get together to commiserate. I didn't know what she was talking about until I got home and turned on the TV. Pres. Biden had withdrawn from the election. My concern all along was who would step forward. Each day, more people were asking him to step aside but no one was stepping forward or even being suggested to replace him - and it's too close to election time for big changes. It goes without saying that Biden and Harris were way ahead of me! I'm convinced that those three anxious weeks were spent putting everything together for a seamless rollout! The enthusiasm has been contagious and joyful - a real contrast to the doom and gloom, hate, fear, and divide side! It has been a real delight to watch, coming away feeling uplifted and hopeful. While I didn't know much about Gov. Walz, he's hard not to like! He seems like a down-to-earth, feet-on-the-ground, neighborly kind of guy, unlike the two weird ones. My view is Kamala has to be happy with him, not me!  I hope he gives her the support that Biden gave Obama and she gave Biden. I hope they are a dynamic team that moves us forward and lifts us upward!

TMI: Just had a short, wet walk with Rosie. Success......twice! We can both relax.

Just a morning visitor.

Since my last entry, I've talked with four realtors before deciding on the one to go with. I've continued to clear out junk - donating, dumping, and thinning out whatever is kept. It is a huge task after being here for over 20 years! I also managed to get my taxes completed. I changed CPAs because my last one took forever. Turns out this one did, too! Hopefully, it will be easier next year. Also had my physical (all is well!) and let the PA know that I would be moving and records would need to be transferred. She will need to complete a form for the Clinton community and I'll have to get a TB test. 

I have worked in wonderful breaks of lunches and dinners with friends. As I think of moving, I know I will miss this - both my close friends, my neighbors, and my strong, liberal support groups. I've been so fortunate to work with diverse groups and have friends in a variety of places - Liberal Ladies, the synagogue, Lowcountry Coalition Against Hate, Drinking Liberally, Indivisible, and others. I know I am going to miss those connections, but I hope we can keep in touch.....and that I'm fortunate enough to make close connections in my new home.

That's it for now, friends. I'm not sure what the next few months will hold, but I'll pop on when I can. Thank you for your good wishes and love to all.💓

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