This dark, rainy weekend is a perfect time for a final 2023 entry to wish you a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, or Happy Holidays, whatever you may or may not be celebrating! Whichever it is, I hope you are more into it than I am! My best description is that I'm in a "wait it out" mode! This, too, shall pass!
I usually put the tree up and decorate the weekend of Thanksgiving, but this year I was well over a week late, not having much enthusiasm for it. I was really dreading dealing with the tree. It's heavy, time-consuming, and messy. As luck would have it, I ran into a neighbor who told me about her wrought-iron tree, which was the answer to my problem. I ordered one, and while it was time-consuming this year (taking plastic covers off all branches), it will be quick and easy from here on out......and I get to see and use my ornaments without all the hassle! I also made a few other changes - lights and bell collection on the mantel, Margaret Furlong white porcelain ornaments on the coffee table, etc. So overall, it feels a bit different, which is not a bad thing after all these years.
In addition to dreading the holidays, what have I been doing? I joined Liberal Ladies for the Holiday Cocktail Party, which was very pleasant and festive, and it's always great to run into ladies whom I don't see often. The program was even more enticing - it was about the DAYLO program (Diversity Awareness Youth Literary Assoc.) which is a student book club that formed after the book bans here in the county by none other than Moms for Liberty! Once MFL challenged 97 books in the school district, I was pleasantly surprised to see a strong, positive response. Some volunteered to be on the review committees, others organized and informed everyone, like FABB (Families Against Book Bans), and more! People mobilized quickly and remained involved. At the end of the day, all books were returned to the shelves except for about 5 (one book was challenged that wasn't even in the system!). What I got the biggest kick out of was that one of the books (by Colleen Hoover) that was removed is going to be made into a movie!! You gotta laugh!
What else has been happening? I got the leaking windows and damaged flooring repaired. That was a biggie! Chris and I celebrated her birthday at Olive and Fig, which is always good. I continue my daily walking routine except for Sundays and rainy days. Even on cold days, I manage to do it in the morning though I know it will be warmer in the afternoon. I also know I will talk myself out of it if I put it off until later in the day!
One evening (12/3), Maria, Mark, and I went onto the island to see the lights in Mitchelville. They had a drive-thru display with lights covering everything that wasn't nailed down. It was pretty and festive. We followed recommendations to arrive early and line up to drive through. We were probably the 5th or 6th car in line, with a short wait until opening time. When we drove out, cars were lined up as far as the eye could see with a second road trying to merge! We were thankful for our short wait. From there we went to Shelter Cove, which was quiet but well-decorated, including some of the boats in the marina. We walked all along the waterfront and wound up at Ela's for a light dinner. It was such a warm evening that we ate outside on their deck with a nice view of the marina. It really was a lovely, relaxing evening.
I mentioned last month that Lynn hosted the November birthday folks (Tom, Chris, and Tippy) for dinner, but that wasn't enough for Tippy! She decided she wanted a parade AND to be addressed as Her Majesty for the day. So, she put out the summons and the usual suspects showed up. We were instructed to wear crazy hats and bring a musical instrument. Somewhere among the photos, you can see my meager attempt to do so. Once the group was "organized", we paraded around the cul-de-sac making celebratory noises and singing (?) Happy Birthday! We then retired to the house for birthday cake. It was lots of fun as only Tippy and willing accomplices can generate and I hope it was a Happy Birthday for Her Majesty!
To update you on Tippy, she will be having surgery on cervical vertebrae 2-5, though that will not happen until after the holidays. Her doctors want to approach the surgery from the front of her throat, which is complicated by her previous throat cancer and radiation. Even so, she seems to have two wonderful surgeons on the case and feels confident in moving forward. Tippy did one thing that I thought was brilliant and I would not have thought of doing. She recorded her meeting with her doctors on her phone (then transcribed to text and shared with friends). Knowing that I always walk away from important meetings like that thinking that I didn't hear it all, didn't ask questions, etc. How nice to be able to go back and hear it all when in a less tense mode! I thought that was a very good move and I hope I remember it should I need it.
I must mention a few of my "glimmers" for the week. The photo on the left is a gift bag from a neighbor to Rosie. To be honest, I don't really know their names, but they have Floyd, whom I refer to as their time-share doggie. Floyd actually belongs to one of their children but spends months at a time with them. They conscientiously walk Floyd and take him for drives.....and our paths just cross in the process of that. One afternoon when the house was in total disarray (Xmas decorating), the doorbell rang. It was Floyd and his mistress with a little goodie bag for Rosie! I thought that was so sweet and a total surprise. It contained some treats for Rosie and a roll of poop bags (with a weenie dog on it) for her servant. It was such a delightful surprise. On another day, I received a message in the evening that my Amazon orders had been delivered. I opened the door to get them and there were three packages rather than the two expected. My first thought was, "Oh, no, another thing to deal with, a wrongly directed package!" When I checked it out, it was addressed to me and was a lovely, delicious box of dried/candied fruit from Jim and Anthony! How thoughtful and what a perfect gift for a vegetarian! I never even thought of candied kiwi, which is delicious! I sent them a thank-you e-card but it hasn't been picked up yet, so I will thank them again here AND say that we need to get together in 2024! It has been far too long. It is so good to hear from them and it didn't have to be a could be a visit! Thank you for thinking of me in such a nice way and I hope to see you soon.
I awakened this morning to the sound of a steady rain, which must have started hours earlier. This is how my yard looks at 9:30 AM and it's supposed to rain until 11 PM! Needless to say, it's dark and dreary, and the only thing to perk it up is to turn on the ornament tree and any other holiday features with lights.
I'll close by wishing you a very Happy Holiday season and peace, joy, prosperity, and good health in the coming year. May 2024 be kinder to us all.
Happy Holidays to you too “Lunch Bunch” friend. I enjoyed reading about Rosie! And also knowing you are active in the “I read banned books” group. It’s refreshing to know there are groups in our community who support diversity.
ReplyDeleteChin up. We can make it through this stormy rainy deluge. Trying to get my pups out is an ordeal for sure!
Wishing you a very merry Christmas and Happy New year Donna .Ours will be tinged with sadness with the loss of mum but I am looking forward to all the family coming to us to celebrate Christmas.
ReplyDeleteOn the plus side I am finally retiring at the end of march and looking forward to doing nothing 😅x
Have a lovely and loving Christmas; it sounds like the loving and loveliness is well underway! So glad you liked the dried fruit; at least somewhat healthier than chocolate, I imagined 😜😀 We’re in Puerto Rico for a few days after returning from Turkey, which we loved.
ReplyDeleteYou are a good storyteller! Always enjoy your musings. Wishing you a merry Christmas and by the way your decorations are lovely!
ReplyDeleteAlways enjoy your musings! Have a merry Christmas my friend and looking forward to our 2024 adventures.