It's a dark, rainy day, with promises of more of the same over the next few days, so it seemed a good time to update the blog. It will also give me a reprieve from my walking routine and the opportunity to get some things done around the house. Rosie is taking advantage of it, too, as she is still in bed with no signs of coming out!
I looked back to see when I last posted, and another full month had passed, flying by at record speed! As I look back, I have gotten a lot done with the installation of new bedroom carpet being at the top of the list. I'm so glad to have it done, and the installers (three young men) were amazing. I couldn't imagine how they would move all of the furniture, but somehow they got most of it in my bathroom!! Only the desk was in the hallway. I was amazed, and they did it in no time at all.
In preparation for the carpet installation, I removed everything from the countertops and all of the drawers from the bedroom furniture. I resolved not to return anything until I had gone through it and pared down. That became quite a project, but I stuck with it. Now I have a bedroom full of things to donate, which will be my project for the weekend - to box it all and take it to thrift shops early next week. I'm glad I was motivated to do this and hope it will last until I go through my closet, too!
Needless to say, I was surprised at some of the things I discovered as I went through the drawers, like my baby bonnet, which would now be an antique! It had a pink ribbon tie, which was missing, and I don't remember who made it. I also found rare correspondence from my father to me while I was in college. I had to laugh as a PS stated that he usually got $4/page for his writing, but for me it was free! I think I can truthfully say that I get my quirky sense of humor from my Dad!!
While I was waiting for the carpet to be completed, I tackled another project. I use the app Paprika to clip online recipes, and I have thousands! Even so, I wanted to add those favorites from my recipe notebook so that they could be accessed on my tablet. In some cases that meant finding them again online, and for others, taking a photo, etc. So far, all of them are included with the exception of about 10 or 12 that I'll finish in the evenings; then, everything can be found in one place!
My cousin's house with loads of flowers! |
September 26 - 28, I went up to NC to visit cousins. This was prompted by learning that one of them had recently gone into a nursing home, and I knew if I didn't make the effort, I would likely never see them again - I called it my farewell tour! I stayed in a motel as the cousin I usually stay with is having ongoing health issues, but that gave me more flexibility in the use of my time. In the short time I was there, I saw 5 cousins and their spouses, as well as a second cousin. I was warmly welcomed and immediately caught up on all of the family drama! At times I felt like a visiting psychiatrist! Even so, it was good to see everyone and catch up. The most difficult part was visiting my cousin in the nursing home. She seemed distraught and looked like she could jump out of her skin. Her twin sister seemed to think that once she was strong enough to go home, she would be more herself, but I'm not so sure. She suffered a sudden memory loss (as well as a back injury) which was determined not be to from a stroke, so I don't know what could have caused it. Anyway, it was difficult to see her, and I do hope she can go home soon and that she will improve. So sad.
My trip to NC was the first time I've been anywhere since before Covid, so it was unsettling to leave Rosie behind. Luckily, I have a neighbor/friend who doggie sits in her home and she was able to keep Rosie. I knew everything would be okay, but I still had separation anxiety! Ann kept me updated with these photos. I learned that when Ann walked Rosie, she (Rosie) wanted to go home and Ann had difficulty turning her around! Another neighbor and doggie duo came along and enticed Rosie back in the right direction. It was funny because once I got back, I got reports from various neighbors of Rosie sightings while I was away. One neighbor welcomed me home, and another and his doggie walked up Ann's street on the off chance they might see Rosie and offer encouragement! Maria and Mark across the street had also invited Ann and Rosie to drop by and visit Felix and Henry if needed. Obviously, I had no need to worry about Rosie's care. The whole neighborhood was looking out for her!
On September 17th, Tippy, Kieran, Chris, and I went to Charleston for a Michelangelo Sistine Chapel exhibit. It was smaller than the Van Gogh but equally impressive. We went up on a Sunday so it was a bit quieter than usual and an easy drive. The museum opened at 11:30 and it took a little over an hour to view the exhibit. Each picture was explained by a board next to it, but you could also download an app to your phone that allowed one to listen via earbuds to an explanation of each. piece. I love that kind of stuff. You may get more information HERE or download the app (Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel Exhibit) and see the whole exhibit, even though it won't compare to the real thing. From the exhibit, we adjourned to Saffron for lunch, then a leisurely drive home.
On Labor Day weekend, my TV in the den died. It had been acting strangely for a while but eventually, it got to the point that the picture froze. I chatted with someone online who suggested I see a repair person, though I knew that would probably cost as much as a new TV. So, I got online and Best Buy (right next door!) was having a sale, so I ordered online and picked it up an hour later. The hardest part was dealing with the size and weight of the box, and then attaching the feet/legs, which was a fiddly job. After that, it was just a matter of plugging it in and setting it up.
I'm sad to report that more friends have been plagued with falls. Lynn's husband Tom fell while walking Bogey. He had a nasty cut on his head and facial bruising. Lynn called 911 and he was taken to an urgent care facility. They cleaned and bandaged the wound and sent him home. Around mid-afternoon, they were back due to continued bleeding. This time they stitched it. Then, around 2 AM, they were back for the third time due to the bleeding. Needless to say, Tom is on blood thinners that contributed to the problem, but what an ordeal! More recently, Tippy has fallen. We were to get together for lunch last Friday when she texted to ask for a rain check. They were on their way to the ER after a fall in the kitchen. She was told nothing was broken, just a serious bruise. By the next morning, she was in pain and not able to walk without assistance. So, back again to the doctor. This time he ordered a CT Scan, which did not indicate a break of any kind. But, the pain and lack of mobility continued until an MRI was done. It showed that nerves at the base of her spine were compromised and the cause of the pain. Not a lot can be done except for steroids to deal with the pain and encourage healing. She was encouraged to move as much as possible to prevent the development of other problems, and she will be seeing her favorite physical therapist. Here's hoping they both will be 100% soon.
And of course, the entire world has lost its mind and it looks like we will not stop until we kill each other. I don't even know what to say about it all, but I'm sure you're hearing it all and feeling the same incredulity and sadness I feel. To make things worse, 1/3 of our government is virtually non-functional, nor do we have an Ambassador to Israel! I think they are accomplishing their goals as they really do not want government to work. I don't even know what to say!
On a lighter note, my neighbor is at it again this year and I thought UK friends would appreciate this one! And don't ask about the Prince of Whales! I have no idea whether that was intentional or just ill-informed! The neighbors who celebrate Halloween (not me) have had stuff out since September. That's a bit much for me.
This must be the year of the turtle as this is the second large turtle we've seen this year. This
one was on our afternoon walk and it just seemed to be resting in the shade. That was as close as Rosie wanted to get, though she was curious.
I'll close with this photo of Rosie, who was taking advantage of a spot of sunshine. It was only after I took it that I noticed the reflection of her face and the splash of sunlight on the wall behind her. Quite nice.
Here's hoping this finds everyone doing well and enjoying the seasonal change. I'm sending good wishes your way!
I love your story telling skills! Thanks for the updates about your goings on!!!
ReplyDeleteNot sure who this is, but thanks so much! I love getting feedback and I hope you'll sign your next comment. Thanks again.
DeleteSo good to read about your month! It’s great that you visited the relatives; I’ve been reclusive and not visited anyone. Falling is so scary and seems more likely as we age; I fell recently by rushing and not paying attention. I did go to south India in September; visiting towns and villages and living somewhat like a local by going barefoot (often obligatory) and eating with fingers (no silverware). Very spiritual country.