Sunday, February 28, 2021

A Whole Lotta Nothing!

Feb 16, 2021: 

There will be a fiery, bright ball in the sky for much of today. This is normal. It is the Sun, the star our planet orbits around at a distance of about 93 million miles. It will provide warmth and could enhance mood.

Warning: Do not stare directly at it.

Finally, a sunny, warmer (60s) day. Much of the neighborhood was out and about enjoying the wonderful change of pace. It was so nice that for her afternoon walk, I took Rosie to Frazier Park for something different. Now today (2/17), it's back to gray and cold.

A Cautionary Tale: You can see from the photo the condition of my nails. The thumbnails are splitting while all of my other nails are peeling off in layers. This is the result of having my nails dipped in the last three months of 2019. I should never have done it because it is not the type of thing I would maintain for very long; although, they looked great and held up well. I did ask beforehand and was assured that the process would not harm my nails, etc. Well, not so! Anyway, I have ordered some type of “wrap" that I hope to use on the tip of the nail to hold it together long enough for it to grow out. With that, I’m using some type of magic oil to nourish the nail and encourage growth. It is one of those situations where you don’t appreciate your nails until you don’t have them. I’m amazed at how they contribute to my dexterity, and with my thumbnails, every single day I do something to split them even more. I am hoping my new plan works! Lesson: Don’t have your nails dipped!! 

When the Pan Pals got together at Chris’s house on the 19th, we were in search of human warmth since the sun was scarce again. Friday itself was rainy and cold but Lynn and Tom brightened our day by bringing sunflowers for us both. There was no way to really arrange them as they seemed to have a mind of their own, but they do brighten my spirits, rain or shine.

When things were so bleak here, I touched base with Ana, my friend, and former neighbor. She and Lou moved from here to San Antonio, and while I heard a lot about what was happening in Houston, and Dallas, nothing was said about SA. They seemed to have everything Houston had but not on such a severe scale. She mentioned being without heat, rolling brownouts, etc. It didn’t sound much fun!

(2/25) I feel like this is a running weather report but we’ve finally had a whole week of sunny, warm days. David came over on Monday for some Rosie time and we decided that it would be a good opportunity for Drinking Liberally to meet in person again. We gathered on our usual porch at Frazier Park on a lovely Wednesday afternoon. About 13-14 of the usual suspects attend and everyone was so happy to be able to meet up again! We may not be able to do so next time but we made the most of our nice weather while we have it.

After Mr. Welzant passed away, Reyna decided to go to Mexico for a short break. She got to the airport and discovered that her passport had expired! Since then, I have been meaning to check mine as I had no idea when it expired. Sure enough, it expires this April. There is no panic since I won’t be going anyplace soon, but had that not happened to Reyna, I never would have thought to check it. Needless to say, I’m in the process of renewing it.

I was consistent in adding recipes to the recipe page of the blog right up until I stopped, at which time I removed the page. However, I have added the page again along with three new recipes. My two additions were Spinach and Artichoke Enchiladas (with a red sauce) and Black Bean Sweet Potato Enchiladas (using salsa verde). Jan sent a recipe for Bolognese with Mushrooms and Walnuts. I haven’t tried it yet but it’s next on my list. It sounds delicious and I’ve added it, too. If you have any vegetarian favorites, send them along and I’ll be happy to include them, and I will make more of an effort to add. I'm always happy to try new things.

I hope everyone is safe, well, and vaccinated!!

I get my second shot on Saturday.

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