Sunday, January 24, 2021

Guess What I Got for My Birthday!

 Well, you all know the answer – a much-needed, new President!  When I turned on the TV in the morning, they were waiting for the orange one to board Marine 1 for his departure. I would have been happy not to have seen him at all but it didn’t take long. When I could coax Rosie to walk, I used my ear pods to keep listening to the coverage. We’re minding our business when we see Bill and Festus (doggie) walking toward us as Greg passes on his bike. Greg yells, “Today’s the big day!” and I return, “Yes! Today’s the big day!” Bill yells, “Bullshit!”  And we’re off! Our conversation went something like this….

Him:  I’m not watching the Inauguration because it would make me puke.

Me: I am listening to it now to be sure trump leaves.

Him: I like trump and would fight for him (which I immediately pictured him among the insurgents who invaded the Capitol).

Me: I think he is morally bankrupt. I would not want him in my house and if I had children, I would not want him near them.

Him: But he’s done a lot of good things.

Me: Such as?

Him: The economy.

Me: Yeah, look at the economy!

Him: But you know why – the China virus!

Me: You mean Covid-19?

Him: No, the China virus. It came from China.

Me: It doesn’t matter where it came from, it’s everywhere now and he has done nothing about it. When is the last time you heard those words (Covid 19) come out of his mouth?

Him: But he got the vaccine!

Me: You mean the vaccine no one can get?

Him: It’s not his fault, It’s up to the states.

Me: Yeah, 50 different states doing 50 different things. A situation like this is when the Federal government needs to take charge and coordinate the approach.

Him: No, it’s up to the states!

Me: Pass on the responsibility to someone else. Blame others. He’s a master of that.

Him: Well, just wait until gas is $2+ a gallon and your taxes go up.

Me: Well, you know I don't mind paying taxes to help people in need, improve schools, update infrastructure.

Him: We’ll just have to agree to disagree.

Me: We will.

My knees were literally shaking but I was determined to not let him get away with that crap unchallenged. It will be interesting to see how he responds to me the next time we run into each other. He and his wife always seemed to like me and would often stop the car for a quick chat when Rosie and I are out.  I’m sure I’ll be labeled a “Radical Liberal” around the neighborhood, but I really could not care less. They have all known me as a nice lady and if this colors their behavior, then so be it.

So, that was how my birthday started off! I would have been happy to stay glued to the TV and savor every moment of the Inauguration, but my sweet friends had other ideas.  Lynn and Tom invited Rosie and me over for coffee in the morning, which started my birthday off perfectly. They are such good neighbors and friends, and sometimes Rosie invites herself over and they are always very gracious. It was nice of them to think of me on my birthday and I enjoyed seeing the swearing-in with them. 

I came home and plugged in until having to take Rosie out for a walk before going out again. I was home just long enough to get a phone message from Jan, a call from Cheryl and Rabbi Covitz, whom I would with at the synagogue long ago. After all these years, he still calls me on my birthday which is very sweet and means a lot. In the course of the day, I received lots of messages by email, text, and FB, as well as some real cards. It was great to hear from everyone. It really did make my day and it’s so nice we can be in touch instantly. Thank you all for your thoughtful messages, even the one who referred to me as an old broad!! LOL

Other Democratic neighbors, Debby and Dave stopped over one day on their walk and invited me over for a celebratory glass of wine on my birthday. That, too, was very sweet and totally unexpected. I joined their social bubble which included their neighbors across the street, who are RATs – Republicans Against Trump. They were totally delightful. Debby and Dave had champagne and we made our first toast to the new President and then discussed the events of the day. It was very nice.

From there I went to Reyna’s where her girls made vegetarian pizza for me. Reyna wanted to do her fabulous Chili Rellenos again for my buds, but I was concerned about bringing so many people from various groups together. Little did I know that she had invited her cousin and family, which made me a little uneasy, Covid-wise. The pizzas were delicious and we even ended the day with a cake, which I hadn’t expected. They were very sweet. Needless to say, this is the most social I have been in a year. Once home, I then watched the Inaugural concert and, for some reason, I was not the least bit sleepy. I stayed up until almost midnight!!  I think it was a combination of relief and excitement. It is so good to have competent, decent people at the helm, and I wish President Biden all the best. I do not envy his job but I think he has proven that he is the man for the moment.


It was a great birthday and years from now, when I look back, I will remember the kindness of friends, and I hope I can say that it was the year our country moved in a decisively positive direction.

Speaking of Reyna, she has gone through a very difficult time over the last few months. Mr. Welzant, who lives with her and whom she looks after, has been in and out of the hospital over the last few months and he passed away on Monday (1/18). She has been very up and down, and I think part of it is that Alex (her son) is at Johns Hopkins and not here to help talk her through things. She really seemed to rely on him for so much. I have tried to be as supportive as I can and hope I have been a help to her.

I know that when one is given lemons, you make lemonade, but what do you do when you are given turnips? Even growing up in the South, I don't ever remember eating turnips! It must be that my mother didn't like them and never served them. In any case, I wanted to give them a fair chance so I began searching for recipes. I wound up making turnip and leek gratin with a blue cheese sauce. It really was nice but I'm not sure I would go to that effort again for turnips. I have one left and am going to make turnip and sweet potato fries. That's more my speed and I thought the flavors would be good together. 

There is some unsettling news to share. While I was out galavanting around on my birthday, my Resista Sista, a partner in crime, and dear friend Tippy was going from one doctor to another - literally. She had been having a sharp pain in her back. Her physical therapist wasn’t sure it was muscular and recommended she have a pulmonary exam, which she did. It turns out that she has a blood clot in each lung!! She went directly to a specialist and is on medication. She is scheduled for more tests to make sure there are no clots elsewhere. I am keeping her in my thoughts and sending healing vibes her way and I hope you will do the same. In any case, we did not touch bases on Wednesday and I didn’t find out until yesterday. (1/21). I felt terrible not to be there for her, but our friend David took care of her (Kieran was out of town). In her ever-optimistic outlook, she wanted me to tell you that she is now a member of the Clot Club! I'm going to have to find that girl some healthier clubs!! We plan to get together tomorrow and I'll learn more. 

To end on a more upbeat note, you know we had to pick up on the Bernie in mittens craze! This is actually from Chris's sister. The same sister that sent our RBG masks. I asked Chris to tell her that if she keeps this up, we are going to make her an honorary member of our (Democrats)Pandemic Pals! I think there is a Democrat in there screaming to get out!!

Sunday, January 17, 2021

The Holidays Are Over!

 The holidays felt like a month of Sundays! It’s nice to get back to some routine that will help me remember what day of the week it is. The New Year has started with wonderfully mild weather, which I hope is a positive omen for the whole year. I could do with less drama! It has now turned cold though sunny and bright.

I have to give a shout out to my neighborhood again. Rosie and I just got back from our afternoon walk (01/04). We stopped and chatted with 4 neighbors along the way and two others stopped their cars for a brief chat – mostly to say hello to Rosie and wish me a Happy New Year. When we got home, someone else had left a bag of turnips and daikon radishes. Several weeks ago, another neighbor left a little bag of oranges from their tree. All of these are little things but, as I’ve said before, it is always nice to be remembered and all of those little interactions have kept me from feeling isolated.

The Insurrection (1/6/2021): Well, what can I say? Very early on, I said that before it (the trump admin) was over, we would be in the streets. Not even then did I think it would be people trying to overthrow the government! I thought it would be us defending it! You can imagine how disappointing, frightening, and downright sad it was to see the hoodlum hoard (with horns even!) barging into government buildings…and easily. It really was not a large crowd and when I first saw it, I felt no concern that anything like that would happen. I’m sure much more will be revealed over the coming weeks and months.

The morning after the attack on our Capitol, my wrist gadget told me that I got only 42 minutes of deep sleep that night. I don’t doubt that for a second. That is what the last 4 years have been like – almost daily, except on not as large a scale! Most of us who care about what is happening to our country are shelled shocked.

I awakened today (1/8) to a video of trump denouncing the insurrection and throwing his minions under the bus. Naturally, the network folks had also spliced it with his incitement video the day before! The man-child has no shame. So, like many mornings of the past 4 years, I spent some time contacting GOP officials encouraging them to impose the 25th Amendment, even though I have no faith that they would do the right thing. Then I made stuffed peppers!!

Our Pandemic Pals had full attendance once again at Chris’s house. It was the first time we were all together in several weeks – and, boy, did we have a lot to discuss! It was great to see Chris again after her negative Covid test. As we were leaving, Chris gave us a gift sent to us by her sister, who is a trump supporter. It was an RBG mask!! It has one of her famous collars along the top and her initials on one side (which you can’t really see clearly). That was such a nice surprise and a very sweet gesture.

The past weekend (01/09) was chilly and good for staying inside and putting away Christmas decorations. It takes about two days to do it all and there was no reason to rush. We’ve been having late mornings, waiting for things to warm up enough for Rosie to tell me she’s ready for her walk.

Recently, I’ve had a burst of productivity and have gotten a few things done around the house. Listening to audiobooks via ear pods really helps as they keep me occupied and I can move around. Today I discovered that I can access C-Span on my phone and tablet (I don’t get it with streaming. It’s the only thing I missed about cable.). So, as we go from one crisis to another, I can stay on top of things. I’m pathetic, I know!!

Well, I thought I was close to getting the Covid vaccine; but, alas, South Carolina performed to its usual standard. We were told that those 70 and older could begin signing up for the vaccine on the 13th. That sounds easy but it was difficult to find out where to sign up online and once I did, websites began to crash. Two days later, I was able to sign up. I should have received a follow-up email that would allow me to select my date and location to receive the shot. But, before that email arrived, I received an automated phone message that my application had been canceled due to a shortage of supply of vaccine! So, from the 13th – 15th, the entire allotment had been allocated. I would love to know how much the state received, how much they thought they were getting, etc. And of course, the reserve the trump admin touted was non-existent!!  I guess it is just part of the trump/GOP smoke and mirrors to the very end. Only three more days of this nightmare!

Saturday, January 2, 2021

Welcome 2021!

On Monday the 28th both Chris and I had a Covid test. We each went separately to a location nearest us and had slightly different experiences – nothing bad, just different processes. Unfortunately, the response time is 3-5 days, which makes it virtually useless, but it is just a moment in time. My thought was that I had not taken the test and possibly being exposed was a good enough reason to take it. If they come back negative, which is our hope, then we must be doing the right things.

There are two exciting things to report from friends. From my friend Melodee in St. Louis, I received a copy of her new book as a Christmas gift! I immediately recognized the photo on the cover. I knew she was working on a book, but I didn’t know she had completed and published it. She has obviously used her quarantine time better than I! Congratulations, Melodee, and thank you so much. I can’t wait to get into it.

From my friend Pamela in CA, I received a small Christmas card with a lot of news. She is taking a 5-year sabbatical from retirement! She will be living in Mexico for 7 – 9 months and then returning to the US to travel the country in her new RV (with her 2 kitties). All of that sounds so exciting and she plans to be in my area in August or September of 2021 I don’t know all of the details but I hope to hear more about her adventures soon. How exciting!


New Year’s Eve: Well, I was so excited to see 2020 out the door that I didn’t sleep well last night and was up a 6 AM!!  I made a mad dash to the grocery store and spent most of the day cooking collards (with garlic & vinegar), black-eyed pea CURRY (thought I may as well spice it up and they are delicious over rice), as well as a French lentil stew to alternate with my traditional New Year’s Day meal. All that is left for New Year’s Day is the cornbread!

I don’t know what 2021 will bring, but from here I think there is only one direction and that it UP! I really feel like I am saying goodbye to four soul-destroying years that I will never get back (the end of an error!) – but I am so happy to put them behind me. I hope 2021 ushers in an era of kindness, compassion, understanding, and peace that we have never before known.

New Year’s Day: I almost made it until midnight, but not quite. Before going to bed, I decided to turn off all alarms. When I finally crawled out of bed, it was 9 AM. As I was checking my emails, I had one from Lynn, who invited me and Rosie to stop by for coffee and coffee cake. That was a great way to start off the New Year, though I told Lynn she made me feel bad because she had been up long enough to bake a coffee cake!! New Year’s Day and today (1/2/2021) have been very mild. By the time I got Rosie out, it was almost 70 degrees and balmy. As we walked over to Lynn and Tom’s, we watched the golden leaves falling and

It all tastes much better than it looks!
swirling. It really has been delightful.

I had just gotten home and settled in to binge-watch Nothing Trivial, which I’d started the previous weekend and found to be light and very entertaining. It’s about the lives of a group who get together regularly for quiz night at the Beagle Pub. In any case, poor Rayna stopped by in a state of total distress. Mr. Welzant, who lives with her whom she cares for, has been in and out of the hospital with pneumonia for the last month or so. He had been home only 2 days before having to go back into hospital again. To top that, she had been badly treated by an ER nurse. I touched base with her this morning and she finally talked to a caring doctor who explained what is going on with him. Mr. Welzant also has lung cancer, which I didn’t know, but that means he will continue to periodically/frequently have pneumonia. The doctor promised to treat him as best he could but it sounds like there will be no cure or long-term relief. If nothing else, he helped Reyna understand what is going on and understand the situation better, and have a better idea of what to expect.

Then, shortly after Reyna left, Lynn set up a Zoom meeting with our Pandemic Pals. Chris was going to have us all over for a NY brunch, but neither of us had gotten our Covid test results. So, we remained quarantined. As we were Zooming, my phone rang so I muted my sound and took the call. It was my Covid results – negative! I thought that would be the case, but it felt good to be sure. It came at a great time to let the others in our group know. Now we’re waiting for Chris to get her results.

So, today I’m back to watching Nothing Trivial (Acorn from New Zealand)!  Before this series, I watched The Coroner (PBS from BBC). It, too, was very good. I also just finished the audiobook of Hidden Valley Road, a true story about a family with 12 children, most of whom were schizophrenic. It was spell-binding and informative.  I’d be interested in anything you’ve watched or read recently that you enjoyed.

Sending everyone love and best wishes for 2021.