I hope this finds you and yours safe and well in this unusual and perilous time. I've touched base with friends in the UK, Spain, France, and Australia. Everyone is well and seems to be going through much the same experience as here in the US, with the exception of having reliable leadership! While some elements of the government are pushing to open businesses, most neighbors and friends I've talked to plan to stay put long enough to see whether or not there will be a second wave. Even after that, my feeling is that people will still be reticent to be in crowded restaurants, theaters, etc. There will definitely be a new normal!
The last week has had a degree of normalcy to it. After our Drinking Liberally group had our Zoom meeting last week, David asked if he could come over for his Rosie fix. He brought over a sandwich and I had my vegetarian grub at lunchtime. He then had some playtime with Rosie, which she loved.
As Rosie and I were out walking one day, I mentioned to a neighbor that I had borrowed a jigsaw puzzle from another neighbor and was enjoying working on it. He said they had plenty to share. That afternoon his wife called and invited me over for happy hour and to pick up some puzzles. So, I went over on Thursday and had what felt like a normal evening, even with keeping appropriate social distancing.
Then, yesterday I invited Lynn, Tom, and Bogey over so Rosie and Bogey could have a play date. It forced me to tidy up the house, appear presentable, and actually make an effort toward something. It was fun to see Bogey learn his way around the house - it was almost like he was being yanked around by his nose! Over time he settled down and delighted in the fact that he could hop up on the sofa (I ordered covers at the time I bought the sofas because I know Rosie would be on them!) By the end of the evening he was sleeping on the sofa between Lynn and Tom. We had a nice visit and it's something I should do more often. Those interactions almost made it feel like normal times.
Zoom has made it possible to get together with friends and see their smiling faces. Ann, Eileen, and I are trying to get together this Wednesday morning (my time). Later that day, our local Squad (Chris, Tippy, Lynn and Tom, David, Rhonda) + Sally in NJ and Melodee in St. Louis will get together for happy hour. Sally suggested we all do Clorox shots together!! That did make me laugh but I think I'll leave that to the Cult!!
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In the time it has taken me to do this much, the neighbor I borrowed it from has done FOUR 1000 piece puzzles! I'm not sure I have the knack!! |
The other thing I've been doing is binge-watching some escapist series on Acorn (The Indian Doctor, The Good Karma Hospital, The Heart Guy). Two that I've really enjoyed are Ackley Bridge and Geroge Gently. Neither are current but they are timelessly produced with great plots and storylines. Jan has also recommended Caliphate on Netflix. That may be next on my list once I catch up on Bosch's new season. You would be correct in thinking that I'm not doing anything productive. I do get little bits and pieces done but not as much as I feel I should be accomplishing. It is what it is!! Let me know if you have any great series that you've enjoyed watching.
My mother would say that I"ve "gone to seed!" Rosie and I are taking our own sweet time getting up and out in the morning. As soon as we get home, I remove any restrictive garments and slob around for the rest of the day (until I walk Rosie again) in something loose and comfortable. My hair hasn't been cut in 6 weeks and I'm doing less and less to it. Tomorrow I'm going to cut the neckline myself and just let it do what it will. I've actually always wanted to just let it grow and see what would happen and how little I could get away with doing to it. Now seems to be the time to do it! And, of course, there has been a lot of comfort food. I posted this picture on my fridge and all it does is make me laugh as I open the fridge door. At the rate I'm going I can just throw away my entire closet and start over again.
This may be more than you need to know, but something has been biting me over the last few days. It started around my growing waistline, then moved up my right side (2 more bites). I know it was a bite because the new bites had a dark center and then red inflammation emanating from that.....and itching. It was far enough around toward my back that I couldn't really see too much, then yesterday the bite was on my stomach. As I was applying alcohol to it, I noticed that the dark center lifted a bit - it was a tiny tick!! I removed that little sucker and am hoping that is the end of that.
One positive thing that has come from this pandemic and that I've enjoyed seeing, is our planet recovering and the animals having more space as we are forced to have a smaller footprint. There should be no doubt that our lifestyle negatively impacts the planet, climate, etc. My hope is that as we define the new normal we will be willing to make some changes that will benefit us all in the future.
And finally, we continue to have glorious weather. Today was sunny, the mid-70s, and a wonderful breeze. Our winter was mild and it feels like we are having a long spring. Some/many years it feels like we have a week of spring and then one morning you wake up and it's 95F and 95% humidity - for the next two months. This year has been beautiful.
I will leave you with a little Rosie time. You are all in my thoughts - stay safe and well.
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