Speaking of Tippy and other amazing friends: I was sitting at home minding my own business when the doorbell rang. It was the postman with a package for me, which was puzzling since I hadn't ordered anything. The first thing I did was look at the return address which was from Hawaii! Now I knew it was a mistake except it was addressed to me! The box had a hole in it so I reached inside and tore the hole wider. From it, I drew a lovely yellow shawl with a lovely note for Tippy. It was sent to her from a shawl ministry at a Lutheran church in Hawaii at the request of my friend Rhonda in Alberquerque! The card told the story of their ministry, which was very touching. I could not believe Rhonda's kindness, but it doesn't stop there. I was about to dispose of the box when another card slide into view. I reach inside and there was a second shawl....for me!! I was so touched. I thanked Rhonda and told her I was seeing Tippy the next day and would let her choose the one she wanted. That was just such a nice thing to do. I have great friends!!
I've also discovered that Rhonda is a Pinterest junkie!! She sends these great, personalized cards that she makes herself. I do the Facebook page for the Lowcountry Coalition Against Hate and I'm always looking for something like this to post. I asked if she would mind if I used it and she didn't object. It received the most exposure of anything I have posted thus far - it reached 17,000+ people, over 300 shared it, and one woman used it has her page photo!! I loved it!
South Carolina is becoming quite the place for Presidential candidates. Chris and I had a busy week when we saw and heard both Andrew Yang and Pete Buttigieg. Yang spoke at a restaurant and had a full house. He is a techie and some of his ideas are very forward-looking. He also seemed to be able to fully analyze a problem to get to its source. I was very impressed with him. We had an interesting experience at his event. Chris and I are sitting there with our which and chips waiting for things to start. Suddenly this handsome young man asks if he can join us - who would say no!! He was a staffer for Yang and sat and talked politics with us for about 15 minutes or so. He excused himself when someone started making announcements. Since Yang was delayed a bit, he came back and chatted some more!! As we have said before, it is so great to see these young people so involved. Mayor Peter had the largest crowd I've seen - 700-800 people. He is very comfortably able to articulate his ideas and views and is willing to actually answer questions rather than hedging. He, too, is very impressive and no doubt has a long political future ahead. It's fun to see them, shake their hands, and get a selfie.
After Yang left Las Palmas restaurant, he went on the Beaufort and enjoyed a little dancing. I thought THIS was cute.
As though we don't have enough to do, Chris and I attended the most recent meeting of the Lowcountry Immigration Coalition. It occurred after the shooting in El Paso and there were actually 4 new people in attendance in response to the shooting. I plan to attend future meetings and my guess is that Chris will also. It is the best way to know what is happening in the Latinx community and how we might help. No sooner had we done this, than I saw first hand how these people can be exploited. Rayna has a delightful woman helping her, named Antonia. Antonia's husband has also been helping Richard. They had been paying on their car and had almost paid it off when the previous owner came and took it back! I'm sure they felt safe in doing that, knowing that they would not/could not go to the police. I suggested they contact Aimee, the immigration attorney, but they were even afraid to do that. They are such kind and hard-working people. It is difficult to see them treated so badly.
Sun City Democrats held an Empty Chair Town Hall Meeting in response to Lindsey Graham refusing to meet with his Democrat constituents. They had personally delivered a petition to his office with almost 1000 signatures asking that he meet with us. He didn't even bother to reply, so they devised the town hall meeting. No one knew quite what to expect, but it was very cleverly done. There was an energetic MC from Washington. There were also some players who presented all of Lindsey's flip-flops, which were many more than I ever realized. This was another event that attracted a lot of people.
We also had an opportunity to hear our Congressman, Joe Cunningham, speak on climate change and the environment. We heard that there would be protesters so we had to be sure he had a great turnout. It was actually presented by a committee from a local church and they will be doing more of the same on this issue, which should be interesting. It's good to see groups stepping up
I was looking forward to a cocktail party on Thursday given by one of the Liberal Ladies Steering Committee members (Randie) for our group. Mid-morning on Wednesday I received an alert that the party had been canceled. Randie's husband had died suddenly of a heart attack that very morning. They were having breakfast before going out. Randie left the table to finished getting dressed. When she returned to the table, he was dead!! A memorial service and luncheon were held on Friday and I'm not sure how Randie held it all together. I'm sure things will be different once things settle and she has time to digest it all. So sad!

The only other thing to let you know is that I've added a tab at the top called Photos from Friends. I thought it might be fun to share photos of friends we have in common. I'll give it a try and see how it goes.