Not a lot has happened, but next week looks busy and I thought I'd better catch up while I had the time.
It seems that pets are the theme for this post, what with George's death and the passing of my friend Sharon's dog, Daxie. She was cute as a button and very smart, performing at nursing homes, etc. Sharon would dress her for every occasion and adored her; but alas, she was 14 and in failing health. I know it was a jolt to them and I can imagine how much they will miss her.
All of that makes me more concerned for my last surviving cat, Mama Mia. She has to be in that age rang and is becoming more unsteady on her feet. While she eats well, she looks skinny and frail and spends most of her time sleeping. She still demands attention and is more loving than I every thought she would be. My main concern is that she not suffer. I don't think she is, but I'm not sure what to look for.

Yesterday was spent in Charleston where I took Reyna to have a polyp removed. She had one removed in April, but another grew, so I hope this will produce better results. We had to leave early and I knew I wouldn't have time to give Rosie a good walk and also didn't want to leave her all day. So, I arranged a play date with Bogey, neighbors Lynn and Tom's doggie. They get along well and look so cute together. I'll return the favor anytime Lynn and Tom need time away.
We continue to have lots of rain, In fact, on the drive to Charleston yesterday, I have never driven in such a downpour. It was dark as night and just a deluge. Were it not for the lines in the road, I would not have been able to move forward, and I could not tell where the water had pooled, which tends to happen here. Luckily, traffic slowed and many people were using their emergency blinkers. A positive is that everything looks nice and green but many yards are growing mushrooms of various colors and sizes, some almost large enough to put garden gnomes under!!
Well, after much to-ing and fro-ing, I got the first Liberal Ladies' newsletter under by belt. The Steering Committee seemed pleased with the results. I enjoy doing that type of thing and have more ideas that I hope will improve it; however, with a minimum of three editors, there were a lot for long emails floating around. So, I've been playing around with Google Docs as a means of working collaboratively on one document. It really is neat and I hope I can get it to work to save time and effort.
I have also been asked to work on our local Indivisible's committee that is going to focus on getting out the vote (GOTV) in November. I was recommended to work on communications and social media.....since I'm "good at that"!! LOL I'm sure many think I'm closer to obnoxious than good, with all of the political stuff I post. Anyway, all of this is why I will be busy next week and probably until the November election. We all really need to do whatever we can to get a positive result. So, Monday I have Liberal Ladies Steering Committee; Tuesday, Indivisible GOTV; Wednesday, Drinking Liberally; and Friday Liberal Ladies Luncheon. Thursday will probably be for solitude!!
Along these same lines, I spent one rainy afternoon - all afternoon - trying to reduce and organize my emails. Basically, I switched to gmail, which allows me to separate emails into personal, social, promotions and updates. It also allows for labeling emails; so, as I receive emails from friends, I can set up a label which will easily identify such emails. The labels really make it easy to spot certain emails right off the bat. In any case, you may notice a different address (gmail), but all of my address (yahoo and hargray) come to my new gmail setup. If I'd known how much junk mail I would receive (of my own making), I would just have one address for personal communications and another for junk mail/subscriptions. Too late now!
Well, you know I couldn't write this much about pets without something more about Rosie. This video was a surprise. I store all of my photos on Google photos and last week I received this composite from them. The first photo is the day they brought her to me and it goes right up to about a month ago. Some of the photos aren't good and I don't know whether they blurred them or I just kept bad photos (likely).