I was nudged our of my reverie by the March for Our Lives on March 24. Surprisingly, for South Carolina, about 400-500 people showed up. The students did a great job and the older attendees were very supportive of them. As you can see, the march was quite impressive (for this area) and we got a lot of honks from passing traffic. In addition to it being a beautiful day, it was uplifting. The couple in the last photo are Lynn and Tom, my neighbors and parents of Rosie's favorite friend Bogie. Lynn and I were polite dog walkers who only knew our dogs' names until we ran into each other at a Liberal Ladies Cocktail Party. The exchange was, "Rosie's mom!!" - "Bogie's Mom!!" We then introduced ourselves and have become friends. I enjoy running into them on our walk so we can talk all things liberal!
The march kind of got me back into the swing, but I didn't get serious until several weekends ago when I spent a Sunday afternoon crafting a fax to all my congressmen. By Wednesday I had gotten a call from Sanford's office and a email from Graham....so I guess I'm back into the Resistance!
On the Saturday of Easter weekend I drove up to NC and back for the funeral of my cousin. She was always a kind soul and sometimes when my mother was having sun-downers, she would think I was "Sister", which is what everyone called her. I think I was a teenager before I ever knew what her real name was - Mary Elizabeth. I had planned to stay overnight but the cousin I was to stay with also became ill. It worked out well anyway. I got to see lots of cousins, check on the one that was ill, and get home before dark. On Sunday I never got out of my PJs. Rosie had to make do with backyard time!
At the end of that week,, I had lunch with Chris (whom some of you have met) and had a new friend Sally (from Drinking Liberally) over to see my Africa photos, which gave me an excuse to see them again! She is seriously considering a trip and I thought we could talk about it, answer questions, and so on. I also shared Erich's website - erichschultz.photo - with her. He is a serious photographer and his shots more reflect the awesomeness, beauty and spirit of the area. She was blown away by his photos and I think they clinched it for her.
The following week, Melodee and I went to see the Goodbye Girls at the Savannah Music Festival. They are a very good bluegrass band from Boston. It's members are from the US, Canada and Sweden, which I find interesting and unusual The guitarists was the first woman to win the IBMA (no idea what that is) Guitarist of the Year in 2017. I mention that only to confirm that they knew what they were doing and the music was good. The room was very charming and intimate. Tables in front of the stage, rows of seats behind the tables, and high tables surrounding everything. We got a high table with an open view, which was nice. After the show we had a late lunch at the Fox and Fig, which we both enjoyed. The weather was perfect so it made for a very nice afternoon.
Not to skip over the crappy part of life - for about a week I had wax impacted in my ear, BECAUSE I did exactly what you're not supposed to do - I used a Q-tip! I was fully aware of the moment I lost the hearing in that ear! I spent days trying to dislodge it with OTC drops, peroxide, etc. Nothing! So, finally went to the doctor on Tuesday. They flushed it and flushed it but still couldn't get all of it out. Then they moved to a glass-looking probe with a light on the end (pretty cool). That was not pleasant. By that time, my ear was bleeding, so they stopped with that. Not everything was removed but I have most of my hearing back. She prescribed drops, which my drug plan won't cover! Still working on all of that.
File this under Quirky! I was making toast one morning this week and opening a new loaf of bread. When I took out the heel, I noticed that it looked pinched together. I kind of pulled it apart a little and realized I was looking at toothprints - someone had opened the loaf and taken a huge bite out of it!! I almost threw it away and used the next slice when I thought that if someone had done that, who knows what else they did to the loaf. So, I took it back to the grocery store as I thought they should know.. I always wondered why some breads were double-wrapped. Well, now I know!! Be aware of those weird people in the bread aisle!!
I've also volunteered to do the newsletter for Liberal Ladies of the Lowcountry, along with another lady. Lynn, my neighbor mentioned above and next year's chairperson of the group, sent out an email asking for volunteers before our trip. I sent a short email saying that if no one volunteered by the time I got back, I would do it. Someone else did volunteer, but I'm still in the mix as they thought it good to have backups. The newsletter was one thing I liked when I was at the synagogue, but this I can do at home in my PJs without having to keep other balls in the air. Am hoping it will be fun!
While there is nothing exciting on my agenda, there is something fun to anticipate. Eileen is coming for a visit in early June. It will be good to catch up and I'm sure we can find things to keep us busy. Miss Rosie is delighted!!
Some of the serious photographers on our trip inspired me to be better prepared for my next trip.....so, I bought a new camera. It is very similar to one Jane had on our trip. Some of them had lenses as long as my arm, but her camera was lightweight and not a lot bulkier that my point and shoot; however, it had a great zoom lens. She got a terrific shot of a leopard sleeping on a rock when I could only get the fact that something was on the rock!! Anyway, I've been playing with that and plan to join the photography club. The zoom is definitely tricky!!
And, of course, Miss Rosie is a constant model, though you might gather from some expressions that she isn't fully delighted about it!!
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