Saturday, December 20, 2014


It's been almost a month since I posted last and I don't know where the time has gone, though I have been running around like the proverbial headless chicken!  Most week days I've left home before 10AM, if a yoga morning, or 11AM and not returned until around 3-3:30.  There have been some days that I've just eaten a bite and gone back out, not returning until after feeding the ferals.  But don't ask me what I've been doing - I've not done much for Christmas and I certainly don't feel that I've done anything worthwhile or constructive.  

It has been a very social time and I've enjoyed seeing friends.  Jim and Anthony stopped in twice on their way to and from DC.  Cheryl and I met up once....all of which was lots of fun, with time passing much too quickly.  I had Thanksgiving with another friend from my synagogue days and one of my "Progressive Ladies" group invited me to her Christmas brunch, which was very nice.  Chris and I also went out for a leisurely Sunday lunch to celebrate her birthday, to catch up after her trip to a family wedding, and to fortify ourselves for the remainder of the holiday.  It has all been fun, but a lot packed into a short time.  It is literally a "feast" season and the rest of the winter will probably be famine!

The busiest time of year is also the time I chose to get back into reading.  When my mother was here, I was too frazzled to read and I've never really gotten back into the habit.  It's too easy to get addicted to iPad and forget about books.  When I heard about Gone Girl, I thought it just the type of book I would like and I wanted to read it before seeing the movie.  Boy, was I right about that.....what a tale!  From there I went straight to Wild, which was based on a true story and equally as good as Gone Girl, but in a different way. All were very enjoyable and I'm now reading another one by Gillian Flynn (Gone Girl).

In the midst of all that, I've decorated the house for Christmas, which was touch-and-go for a while.  Had Jim and Anthony not come in early December, I probably would have done very little, but their visit spurred me to get going.  At the end of the season last year I bought a 4-ft pre-lit tree with clear lights.  I never even opened the box and pretty much forgot about it.  When I saw the box I thought I may as well see what was involved and, much to my surprise, the tree was together in 10 minutes.  It allowed me to us my white ornaments, which I've had for years and used only once!  It also prompted me to put my large tree on craigslist.....and it was sold and gone the next day.  I'm now on the lookout for a large pre-lit one with multi-color lights.  You will then no longer hear me whine about stringing lights on the Christmas tree ever again!!

Smokey in 2012 
In addition to Mama's ups and downs (she's started trying to get out of bed and they've found her on the mat by her bed about four times, including today!), there is also a frail cat.  Smokey, Mama's old cat, is pretty much "on his last leg".  I now have a better understanding of that phrase as he is having problems with his back legs.  He had to see the vet two weeks ago for severe constipation - I was afraid he wasn't going to make it to the morning to get there  Part of his problem was that his back end was too weak to push (more than you need/want to know!) .  Once that problem was alleviated, I became concerned about a cough and gag reflex, so back he goes to the vet Friday a week ago.  He has fluid collecting around his heart.....and now I have to give him one pill and a liquid medication every 12 hours. Anyone with cats knows how challenging that can be!  So far, it's gone better than expected, but he's just old....and I know his chances of recovery are slim.  He isn't eating very much and is boney....but, he's a sweet, old kitty and I'll do my best for him.

Today was a dark, rainy of four leading up to Christmas.  So, fighting another head cold, I stayed in bed all morning before going to Bloom. Then, I came home, ate lunch and spent the rest of the afternoon working on the slideshow below.  I could make a simple one in much less time, but I do enjoy playing with it and learning new things.  So, it's a labor of love and I hope you enjoy it.  Merry Christmas!

 Christmas Humor

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