Quiet Times
This is a short update as not a lot has been happening....certainly nothing as fun and exciting as friends visiting! So, I've been enjoying a break; but, even so, found myself dithered - overwhelmed with minutiae that I had imposed on myself. So, I sat myself down, thought about it, and just let a lot of stuff go. Things have really improved since doing that. Rather than starting the day with a long list of things to do, I have a short general list of the major things I want to accomplish. If I do get everything done, it's great. If I don't, that's okay, too - none of it is life or death!
Speaking of death (how's that for a segue!), I've contacted funeral homes here and in NC to have as much prearranged as possible when anything happens to my mother. They are in touch with one another and should be able to coordinate as needed. For myself, this week I'll finalize my will, advance directive, etc. Once that is done I'll arrange for my cremation, and I'll be taken care of, too! Isn't this uplifting!!
Other than that, my hermit side has enjoyed lots of time at home, but I've also been out with friends. Chris and I just went to a new Lebanese (yes! Lebanese in South Carolina) restaurant, which was very good. We had falafel, hummus and baba ganoush sampler platter. It was very tasty and I took enough home for dinner. They also had shawarmas and it was really the first time I've been tempted to have meat in 6 years. It brought back memories of the vendors in Khobar.....and lots more. It was good. We followed lunch with an art exhibit, where we chatted with several young people whom we really enjoyed. It was a good afternoon!
We (Chris and I) have also joined Liberal Ladies of the Lowcountry, which is a group that meets monthly at Indigo Run. It is a whole new group of politically informed ladies. They have some interesting speakers at the luncheon and the table discussion is always informative. So now I'm involved in three political groups that meet monthly....that gives me my political fix.
I'm almost back into my walking routine...when the weather cooperates. Summer storms in the South are typical, but over the years they have changed. Years ago, they were predictable and welcomed - to break the heat and give a respite. Now, they are torrential, with sheets of rain, swirling, heavy wind, crashing thunder and lightening!! The photo below shows what has become typical. It's only recently that I realized that everything flows down into my yard, so I'm hoping the storms don't become more virulent. This is about the third or fourth time my yards has looked like this. There have been times that it has rained so heavily that I couldn't see the trees on the other side of the golf course.....scary!
About the only other thing happening was Caribbean Day at Mama's place. Several of the CNAs there are from the Caribbean and they enjoyed sharing their food and music. Unfortunately, I had to leave before the food arrived, but it did smell great...and there was lots of Bob Marley that day. You can tell from the photos that my mother is nearly, if not completely, blind. All things considered, she is doing well, though lately she has been somewhat distressed. I don't think she's in pain and she can't articulate what the problem is. I'm hoping this is a short phase that will soon pass.
My apologies for the difficulties with the notification note AND the site. It was up last night when I wrote the bulk of it, but it was down this morning and half of it was missing. So, I'm getting worse instead of better!! I'm going to stitch with it though, and I hope you will, too! Thanks to those who let me know of the problem.
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