We went back to the infamous beach parking lot where I lost my car keys. This time, too, proved to be calamitous, though not to the degree as Ann's visit. It was a beautiful morning, with a nice breeze, making for a pleasant walk. We went to the Westin for lunch. The lunch was very good and it's a nice spot to sit, chat and enjoy the ocean view. We noticed that the wind was picking up, and soon the sky began to cloud over. The staff scurried around to collect cushions, secure umbrellas, and make the appropriate preparations. By the time we finished lunch, the sky opened and it poured. Now we are over a mile from our car and it's pouring. We were contemplating our options when I spot the Westin shuttle, so I go over and ask where he goes. There is no one in the bus and the driver, an older man who has been doing this for some time, asked where I need to go. I told him that my guests and I walked up for lunch and had gotten stranded by the rain, and he said, "Well, jump in and I'll take you real quick". His random act of kindness made our day. As I approached him, I thought my chances were slim and none, but he fooled me. He was delightful, and Jim said we should have gotten his photo for our album, but it didn't cross my mind at the time. In any case, he came to our rescue.
Our time together was as enjoyable as ever. We always have a lot to talk and laugh about, which is refreshing.
While Ann was visiting, I received an email from Sandra saying that they were taking a road trip and would be in this area around June 12....and they would like to stop in if I was available. I sent her a quick reply saying that would be great. When she realized that I had company (Ann), she asked if it would be easier if they stayed in a hotel........so I didn't tell her that I'd be having more company between Ann's visit and theirs!
They arrived on schedule and were the easiest company ever.....they had their own car and Sandra had lived here for years, so I didn't even have to plan an itinerary!! I just tried to make them comfortable, which was made easier since they were coming from a week in NYC and were happy to be in a quieter, more mellow place! It was great to see Sandra again (not since about 2007) and a real pleasure to meet Howard. Sandra and I gabbed non-stop and he handled it very well! The next day Sandra took Howard on a grand tour of the island, while I did a few things I needed to do. The following day we went to Palmetto Bluff for a leisurely morning and a very light snack at Buffalo's. Evenings were spent at home, chatting.......very relaxed and comfortable.
Though I was pooped at the end of it all, it was that pleasurable exhaustion that only comes from a series of wonderful experiences. I am so glad everyone came and I would not have missed a minute of it!
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