She maintained a kitten's face and skinny legs with small little feet. Everything in between was fat and bulbous, which also gave her the contradictory name of Tinsy Little Girl.....or Tinsy Little Rat-tail Girl!!! She was also known as the kitchen gestapo and developed this knack of herding Smokey away from me as I prepared the breakfast food. She had it down to a science.....and Smokey knew it!
She loved being near Gabby and every night they would groom each other's head before going to bed. It was a nightly ritual. The dining room table was part of her domain and she could survey her territory from there. She intuitively knew when it was 7PM......treat time! And she didn't hesitate to remind me if I was late with treats. She loved to help with chores, especially changing the bed. as soon as the bottom sheet was on, she would get smack in the middle of the bed, lie on her back and squirm.....she loved a clean bed! She was truly a character in her own right.
In no time flat, I've gone from 5 cats in the house to now only two. Tonight I'm likely to have the whole bed to myself.....not that I ever complained about having it full of cats. I have not even gotten accustomed to being without Gabby, and now I have to do the same with Chloe. Until they are gone, you/I don't realize how much their presence fills the house and adds love and joy to life. I can't tell you how much they will be missed.
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