Thursday, March 13, 2014

March Madness

Click on photos to enlarge
No sooner did I sing the charms of Spring than we had a 30 degree drop in temperature overnight and then about 5 days of dark, cold, rainy weather.  That'll teach me!  Over the last 4 days we've been in the high 70s, but last night had another 20+ degree drop.  While I nurse my second cold, it's no wonder everyone is sick with something!  I have managed to get in a few good walks, which I've thoroughly enjoyed.  the warm days have made everyone eager for the real Spring to arrive.

The photos of the fox were not taken during a walk but rather on my way home from visiting Mama.  I spotted him beside the road eating something.  He made no effort to move, so I turned around and went back, unfolding my trusty iPad as I went.  This is the first fox I've spotted and he was beautiful.  He finished what he was eating and then trotted down the road, tucking into the golf course service yard.  It really was a treat to see him and I'm pleased to have gotten the photos.

Between my mother and the weather, I've tried to maintain some kind of life.  Sharon and I finally managed a lunch date, which had been postponed numerous times between my 92 year old mother and her 96 year old mother. We refer to our lunches as therapy sessions as it is non-stop venting from beginning to end.  We do manage a few laughs, though.  Another friend, Cheryl, and I had an early dinner at Saigon Cafe and then went to the Unitarian Church to see Inequality for All, the Robert Reich movie.  It was creatively and cleverly done, as well as being equally informative.....I highly recommend it to political junkies.

I was actually looking forward to the Oscars this year.  Some years are bleak and without much promise, but this year seemed stellar for movies.  After not going into a movie theater for years, I did go to see The Butler and 12 Years a Slave, both of which were very good, though I was disappointed that the Butler didn't get more recognition.  One reason it seemed to resonate with me was that it depicted the whole civil rights era that we experienced.  It really did bring back so many memories that had gone dormant, some good and some bad.  Sometimes I think we live through historical events without acknowledging their importance (in our own lives or those of others) or looking back at them to see how far we've come - or imagine how things would be if they had not happened.  In any case, both were powerful movies.  The other one I intend to see is The Dallas Buyers Club.  Somehow, from the minute I saw the first clip, I knew this was made for Matthew McConaughey!!  It sounds exceptional and I'm looking forward to seeing it.  Gravity was probably very good, but I have no real desire to see it....and I'm iffy about Her.

The remainder of my free time has been spent enjoying the visual aspect of my iPad.  Until recently I had not tried streaming.  My thought was that it would not be as clear as TV.....wrong!  The best feature is that you are seeing the event as it happens in its entirety.  I've recently seen Hillary speak at the University of Miami, humorist Dave Barry talk about his new book, as well as James Franco and Chris O'Dowd interviewed about their upcoming play and their careers. One of the most enjoyable was Jane Goodall speaking a Washington and Lee University.  I tell you, she is one impressive lady, who is celebrating her 80th birthday this year.  As she began speaking, she put her watch and her notes on the podium.  Her notes were on a little sheet of paper no larger than an index card.  She was informative, humorous, inspirational and enchanting, with oh-so-many stories and experiences. She was fascinating.  As I mentioned last time, this was through LiveStream.  While I've found many good things on it, I feel there are many more events of interest that I've not yet discovered.  At this point, I'm trying to findl an index or something similar that may make it easier to know what is available.

Unfortunately, Mama isn't bouncing back from the fall and hip surgery....and it has played havoc with the dementia.  As of yesterday, she is under hospice care.  I am looking at this more as palliative care than final care, though we all know how this book ends.  I hope the added hands will help her plateau and begin to regain strength.  To be honest, the last two days have been her best days since the fall.  The Tidewater Hospice nurse is there all day every day.  She is so sweet and gentle....everyone knows her and likes her.  She loves her work, has a wonderful way with her patients, and does a caring and professional job.  I, for one, am thankful to have some extra help, especially people who know their stuff.  Mama met her (Christina) yesterday and seemed to like her........we'll see how she likes her when Christina tries to get her out of bed today!!  Though Christina has quite a few patients there, she seems to do a wonderful job and I know Mama will get more individualized care.  I am thankful for her help and I hope Mama will benefit from her attention. There will also be a social worker, clergy, etc. involved, all of which will keep a check on Mama.

At this point, she is no longer able to walk on her own.  With help, she is able to stand, pivot and move a few steps very slowly.  Since the fall, she seems to have given up, but she did get out of bed when I got there yesterday and said she knew she couldn't stay in bed all the time.  Of course, frequently she doesn't know whether it's day or night due to her poor vision.  As bad as it has gotten, she never complained about it until the fall.  Now she says "I can't see anything or do anything", which is frustrating for her.  She also has not been wanting to go out into the common areas or be with others (unless I'm there).....I'm hoping Christina and the others will help draw her out again over time.  Anyway, it is what it is and we're all doing the best we can.

My other concern is my sweet Gabby, who continues to eat almost nothing. He was at the vet's last Friday and for the first time he was unmanageable.  His insulin was cut in half and he was given an appetite stimulant, which I could only administer two times!  I just talked to the vet and will be trying another type of food.  At this point, getting him to eat anything is the goal. He was my first kitty and, by far, the most loving.  Allan always thought I paid more attend to Gabby, but Gabby would always come to be with me or to ask for some loving.  I'm hoping that he does a turnaround before it's too late.

So, on those depressing notes, tell me something good, tell me something funny.....a personal story/anecdote ('cause I know you have them!), cartoons, silly photos of times gone by, an embarrassing moment......anything that amuses you and can be published here for the amusement of others (and me). My news has been heavy and grim over the last few years and I'd really like to lighten it up a bit, with your help.......and I know you have nothing better to do!! (lol!)  Please give it a little thought and share your favorites with me/us.  I would really love to hear from you and it would be great to share some laughs. 

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