Thursday, January 9, 2014

January 2014

Happy New Year!  I hope you got it off to a good start and have settled in nicely....and that 2014 will be kinder to us all than 2013.  

Our first two days of the year were dark and rainy, then the cold set in.  It was only for a few days, but it was the coldest since I've been here.  My walking routine has been set aside since the end of November and this weather has delayed if further.  Even so, I've used the indoor time to focus on food, housecleaning, laundry, putting Christmas decorations away, etc. Things are pretty much to the point that I can begin walking again, guilt free, when the weather cooperates a little more.

The photos give you an idea of what I'm talking about.  The first photo was in the paper and I liked the ice on the birds (herons, maybe).  The fact that camelias were still in full bloom shows how atypical this is for us.

The second photo shows that even the kitties welcomed some cover and consolation.  I was surprised that they stayed under the cover long enough for the picture to be taken, to say nothing of just accepting it!  This was the early morning before the house warmed...  It also shows why my house will never appear in the pages of Architectural Digest or Better Homes and Gardens.  Cat people will know that cats like to sit or sleep on "spots", so I have towels on my bed to designate cat spots.....and, thus, Donna's spot, in hopes of having enough room to sleep without contortion.  I really do have some nice spreads, all of which are cat hair magnets and are packed away.  Needless to say, aesthetics are NOT the first consideration here!

Not a lot else is happening.  My mother is back at Belfair and settling in...I hope.  Since getting out of the hospital, she has to have a daily injection (in the stomach) of Lovonox to prevent blood clots.  The home health service visits only two days a week and Belfair Gardens ( now called Bloom) does not do that, so I do it!  This is not anything I ever in my life expected to do, but.....  My mother is good about it and says it doesn't hurt, but I will be as glad as she for it to be over.

Now that the house is cleaner, the laundry done, and food in the fridge, I hope things settle enough to be able to catch my breath a bit.  I have a few fun things planned and hope everything remains calm enough for them to happen.  Quiet is good!

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