Smokey helped Mama unpack. |
The UK Aramco Reunion was June 23 & 24....and I missed another one. I told Eileen and Tom that sooner or later I plann to crash the party.....before I'm too old to crash anything!! I truly would love to see everyone and catch up. Here's hoping I can make it in two years.
That just wore me out!! Siesta time. |
On Thursday, June 28, the Supreme Court upheld the Affordable Care Act, also known as "Obamacare".....and before that known as Romneycare in Massachusetts!! That gives you an idea of how the Republicans have danced around this issue, going against President Obama at every turn The first response I saw on TV was Mitch McConnell, who vowed to repeal the bill. If my blood pressure wasn't already high, that did it....even though Boehner and Kantor infuriated me more. Anyway, I immediately called McConnell's DC office and got a snippy little girl. I said I'd just heard his response and was appalled...they had taken it as far as they could, no doubt thinking that the court was stacked in their favor. Even so, they didn't get the answer they wanted so they promise more of the same asinine, obstructive tactics. She quickly said in a dismissive way, "I'll pass your message on". I said my message wasn't complete! She said phones were busy, etc. I assured her that I understood that, but they would have their turn......once I'd finished. She let me give the rest of my message (which I'm sure she prompt ignored) and signed off. I then emailed all of my liberal friends and asked them to call his office, too. What a jerk....and what a party! How can reasonable Republicans feel proud of what the party represents today?
Cheryl and I met up again at our favorite Subway shop on Friday....and cheered the Supreme Court!. Though we didn't have a lot of time, it was so good to catch up, have a laugh, and just have a personal connection. Other than the principal who picked me up at the airport, Cheryl was the first person I met at Aramco. When I arrived at some late time of the evening, she had dinner ready (with wine provided by Jan P). We talked over dinner and it was like I'd known her forever....and it's been that way since. Longtime friends are a treasure and it's always great to have time with them.
On Saturday, I walked to the Kroger mall, walking around the perimeter of the parking lot and circling back. On the road by the independent living facility, I rounded the corner and saw that someone had run over a pretty, young, black and white cat. The car that passed me at that time saw the same thing...and turned around and came back. We both reached the kitty at the same time.....I'd already said to myself, "What can I do for the kitty? What can I do if it's still alive?". The lady who stopped said they were in the process of moving and she wasn't sure she could even find a shovel (I was on foot and couldn't do anything fast), but she wanted to move him from the road. Out she came with latex gloves and gently picked up the kitty and moved him to the side of the road. She then said she would stop by our neighbor, Joe C who feeds the feral cats, to see if he could take care of the kitty. I really thought that was such a wonderful gesture, when it would have been so easy to just keep driving. Anyway, when I passed again on my way home, Joe pulled up to claim the body of the kitty, whom I learned was named Murphy. He was one of his feral gang - a gentle, playful kitty. He was the first one to be lost in a year and a half. Though being philosophical about it, Joe was visibly shaken. He still has seven remaining to care for (and the bandit raccoon) and there will probably be another to fill Murphy's slot, but each is unique....just like people. It was really a wonderful moment of kindness and caring, and I appreciated being able to witness it.
Summer has hit with a vengence and it's been hot lately. Thunder storms were predicted for last evening and around 8PM they rolled in right on schedule. It never seemed all that bad, but on the second pop of lightening there was a loud "whomp" and everything in the house went out. I rummaged around for my "emergency" kit, such as it is. My battery powered lantern was in the box, which I finally accessed by ripping the box apart. I could feel that there was a cardboard panel covering the top of the lantern, but could I remove it - no! On later review I saw that there were several tongue-and-groove kind of things that held the panel in place...and made it unnecessarily difficult to remove IN THE DARK! Anyway, that was the minor problem compared to getting the batteries out of the indestructible plastic packaging. Needless to say, I've re-thought my emergency kit. After much ado, there was light. Once my mother was settled, I went out into the sun room, opened the patio door as much as I could and spent the rest of the night there until lights came on at about midnight. The kitties and I just enjoyed the storm and the coolness it brought. It was a nice, quiet moment.
I'm hoping to attend my Living Liberally group on Tuesday night. Both of the founding members (from our local Unitarian Church) are moving, one to Charlotte, NC and the other to Kingsland, GA. So, things continue to change. I'd like to hear of their plans and wish them well. Their efforts on behalf of liberal thinking people have made a real difference to many of us....and it's been a source of wonderful friendships. I hope they know the legacy they leave behind in this community and how much we appreciate their efforts.
Good Morning Donna, Summer is here too!!!! It rained all day yesterday - my first day volunteering on the canal boat. Would you believe we passed a woman swinning in hr outdoor pool?????? Oh Yes, I was soaked but thoroughly enjoyed it!!!! Good to hear that Mama is settling a bit. Smokey is certainly telling her what to do!!!!!! Your going 'away' to work surely bothers her but has she ever thought that what you gained financially by doing so is perhaps what allows you to being doing so much for her now??????? My Mother and Tom's never got over my putting the boys into boarding school!!!! It never really entered their heads that by my doing so it actually gave the boys a better quality of education and life. I recognise the drawers and am looking for something similiar here. No way at this tender age am I prepared to pay a fortune for a set of drawers and it will benefit the charity!! Today the Olympic torch comes through Lufbra and I am trying to drag Tom out to see it in spite of the weather!!!! By the way it would be great to see you at the next reunion (or anytime!!!!). It very much looks like being in the ultra old City of York!!!! Take care. Enjoy the peace and calm .............. Love Eileen x