Yes, the "other mother" has taken up residence again, just in time for the Mother's Day from Hell. It hasn't been pretty. I had hoped and planned to take her to NC for Mother's Day weekend but, as when the offer was made previously, she didn't want to go unless she could stay. There were a lot of tears, threats and accusations (I don't care about her or what she wants, she's sacrificing everything and I'm sacrificing nothing, etc.) for days leading up to our departure. I got everything ready for the trip and wrongly assumed that when it came down to it, she would be happy to be home, even if for a short while. On the day we were to leave, she slept in until 10AM and came out with the same attitude, and I knew that I couldn't deal with four hours of that in an enclosed car. I just said we'd try again at a time we could both enjoy it. I wasn't proud of myself, but I'd definitely reached my limit. Needless to say, it's been chilly around here since. I did take her out to breakfast on Mother's Day, but it was quiet and cheerless. Things are thawing a bit, but I'm about tapped out. I've accepted the fact that there is nothing I can do that will be enough or right or acceptable. I guess when that really sinks in, it will make the process easier........I certainly hope so!
This is what happens when I try to remove cat hair from comforter! |
Both my mother and I had doctor's appointments this week.....mine was with my new doctor. This is the kicker - my blood pressure was higher than my mother's!! I have NEVER had a problem with my blood pressure, though I am at the age that anything can happen. When the doctor asked if I had any ideas, changes, etc that might account for it, I explained the situation. She said, "I can't believe I met you....I have exactly the same situation!" She's an only child, discontented, ailing mother in Pennsylvania, etc. She agreed to that likely being the source of the high BP, but I still have to record it for several weeks and report back. It did make me realize that for my own well-being things need to be different.
Life is made easier by the support and company of friends.
How many cats fit on a sofa table? |
- If Cheryl and I keep meeting at the Subway at the corner of Hwy 278 and I-95, people are going to start talking! I'm just glad it's convenient for a quick get-together as she travels to and from her sister's.
- Pamela and I try to get together once a week as she is going through much the same thing as I, except her mother has actually called the police on her! We went to the beach last week and out to lunch today.
- Yesterday I received a wonderful care package from my friends Down Under, Alan and Mairead. It was chock full of goodies and could not have arrived at a better time to provide a boost to my morale. I was really touched by their thoughtfulness.
- It's just nice to hear from friends, near and far, who say via phone or email, "haven't heard from you in a while. How are things going?" It provides that nudge I need not to go into total seclusion!
Not everything has been doom and gloom. Our weather (here I go again!) has been stuck in the 80s for weeks and its been fantastic for almost anything one would want to do. We're all dreading the day when that first number will be 9.
In the midst of all the drama, I've had a security system installed. There have been a lot of break-ins in the neighborhood, including one family I know. They were actually at home, sleeping, when they were broken into, which would be totally unsettling. So, I finally did it, after noticing some suspicious activity here. One night around 3:30AM I was awakened by my mother's cat growling and screeching. I went to the sunroom where he was, turned on the outside light, and there was a masked, furry, fat raccoon helping himself to my birdseed. He didn't budge until I tapped on the glass. The funny thing was that he had removed the top of the plastic container holding the seed and placed it on top of a flower pot. It wasn't thrown on the was like it was carefully placed aside. That tickled me and I've been on the lookout for him since, though a brick now secures the top of the seed container.
AW, Donna. How could you have NOT gotten a photo of your masked visitor.
ReplyDeleteIt is always nice to see you.
My only excuse is that it was 3:30AM and I wasn't fully awake......believe me, I asked myself the same question the next morning!!