Wanda, Mama and Me |
There must be more to report, but I'm just back from North Carolina, where we had a very enjoyable weekend. I planned to go up for the wedding of my cousin Wanda's son. Wanda was the only girl in a family of three brothers. Her mother and my mother were very good friends, so we really wanted to support Wanda when her only child, Casey, got married. Wanda's mother died of a heart attack several (many....how time flies!) years ago....and my mother found her. They had planned to go somewhere together and when my mother went by to pick her up, she found her dead outside, near the garage. Wanda has always thought a lot of my mother and, when we arrived for the wedding, she asked if Mama would act as the "grandmother" of the groom, being ushered down the aisle and seated before the Mother of the Bride. Needless to say, my mother was touched and pleased. It was a very sweet thing for Wanda and Casey to do and it made our day. Mama was escorted to her seat, walking a pace I didn't think possible; but it was the symbolism that meant so much to her and got her going. It was nice to see.
Wanda, Mama, Casey and Hannah |
Casey is just out of high school and, of course, everyone is hoping all goes well. The impressive thing is that his father was out of the picture pretty early and Wanda, who is very shy and reserved, did an absolutely wonderful job with him. They spent one Christmas with us and it was wonderful to see their relationship and how well behaved Casey was, even as a child. Wanda said he has always been rather serious and thoughtful; so, while a marriage at this age makes the older ones of us cringe, we know that he goes into it with thoughtful and good intentions. My theory is that it's a crap shoot no matter what, so they stand as good a chance as anyone! We certainly wish them well.
Anyway, after the wedding we went to the reception, where we saw other relatives we hadn't seen in a while. It was great fun. We got home late, way past Mama's bedtime, but neither of us complained.
Judge Matthew J. Perry, Jr |
On the four hour drive up, I heard a fantastic program on NPR about Judge Matthew J. Perry, Jr. Sadly, I had never heard of Judge Perry and his biography was given before his funeral on Saturday in Columbia, SC. As it turns out, he was the first black appointed to the federal courts.....and he was nominated by Strom Thurmond!! Who would had thought?? NPR carried his complete funeral service, including many powerful reminiscences, and a wonderful rendition of "God Is" by a local choir. It was preceded by a 2001 interview on Walter Edgar's Journal (a SC historian). The one hour interview can be heard
HERE: Walter Edgar's Journal.. It's a long interview but it's so enlightening, especially about the civil right's movement and that time period. He also has such a strong, melodious voice with a genteel, Southern accent......for me, it was a pleasure to listen. If it's your cup of tea, I hope you enjoy! I found it inspiring.

In two days, I'm off to the land of Chateau Ste. Michelle winery and my friend Jan. While I feel I haven't had much time to prepare or plan for it, I'm looking forward to getting away, especially from the heat, and seeing something new. I've visited Jan in Seattle before, but it's been so long ago that it will all seem new again. My lack of planning has not deterred Jan....she has some really fun things planned......to the point of making me feel guilty. She's sent lists of activities, restaurants, etc......all of which whet my appetite and excitement. Coming from this quiet little hamlet, I know there will be more to do than we can possibly cover. It should be a good mixture of activity and catching up......I'm really looking forward to it.
So, it will be at least a week before you hear from me again. I'm hoping all is well with you and that, in the intervening time, you have as much fun as I plan to have.
Take care....and keep in touch.
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