Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Fighting Inertia!!

 This has been the view from my window for the last few mornings.  It's cooler now and we've had a layer of fog for the last couple of  mornings.  Great sleeping weather!!

Since being home from NC, I've been battling inertia and lethargy, for some reason not being able to focus on very much.  I am liking my new laptop and wasting a lot of time with it.  Believe it or not, I went through 60+ floppy disks (yes, floppy disks - computers no longer have slots for them and some dated back to Aramco days!!).  Photos were removed and all saved to a removable hard drive, a few other items were saved, then all were thrown away.  Then, I did the same with the same number of CD's!!  It is nice to have all photos together in one place and backed up.......and space has been created on the shelves above my desk.  At least something was accomplished while sitting on my butt!!

My walking routine is back in place and the temperature is such that it can be done almost anytime through the day, which is great.  Between the rain and my trip to NC, I didn't do it for almost two weeks and I really missed it.  Am hoping it will begin to generate energy again!!

My friend Rita's husband called several nights ago to let me know that Rita had suffered a stroke.  She has fought lung cancer so valiantly, and now to have this. It's just devastating.  Al said that she has no paralysis but it has affected her speech.  I spoke with her on the phone and her actual speech is fine, it seems to be finding the words that's the problem.  She would start a sentence and sound like herself and all was fine, and then she would hesitate and end by saying something like "I just don't know what to say".   I'm going by for a short visit with her tonight......just to see how she is and if I can help in any way.

Am also going to my Living Liberally group tonight.  The guy who founded the organization 7 years ago in NYC is going to be there, signing his book 538 Ways to Live, Work and Play Liberally.  Haven't been in a while and hope to see some familiar faces.  It should be fun.

Not a lot else to report but hope to get to emails soon.......I own everyone!!

1 comment:

  1. Donna, I am wondering how you got the photos off the floppies. Its been years since computers had slots for floppies. Remember the Aramco days when we were first learning about computers. I remember I had to teach the children how to turn on the computer and how to put in the floppy. WOW, how times have changed. And how I hate it that I actually said,"Wow, how times have changed."
