Sunday, September 8, 2024

Just a Quick Note

As you might guess, I've been busy! I've packed up the spare bedrooms, and most boxes are in the closets. I can't pack up much more without having boxes sitting around, so I've been going through everything and leaving behind only what I will take with me. Packing isn't time-consuming; it's the sorting through, disposing of, selling, etc. that takes time. I also feel in limbo, waiting for something to happen and knowing it will be chaotic when it does! In the end, I know I will still likely take too much with me, but as time goes by it is easier to get rid of things one way or the other!

You can't begin to imagine the "stuff" I've discovered. Stuff I didn't know I had! Look at those little sandals. Those had to be mine 75 years ago. I did the needlepoint cover for our family bible, probably while in high school. Then, there was the surprise gift, still in the box. I have no idea who gave it to me or why I never used it....or even re-gifted it! The boxes contain a lifetime of photographs! And that's not all of them! This is what happens when you have too much, and this just scratches the surface.

The house hasn't sold, which is the key to it all. Things went great guns in the beginning, sometimes with two showings a day, but it has lessened to a trickle. My realtor stopped by yesterday and things seem to have dried up since Labor Day. She stressed the importance of getting it under contract before mid-November when things basically stop for the holidays. The next step will be to lower the price. I'll be talking to Pamela in Clinton tomorrow and will have a better idea of when my place there with be complete and what my options are if my house hasn't sold by that time. Send good vibes my way!

You can see the house on Zillow - HERE

I have been receiving a lot of love from my neighbors as they find out about my departure. Their kindness is really touching. People have been stopping me during our walks, visiting the house, and inviting me over. I've always appreciated their kindness, and now even more so. It will be tough to leave, and I hope I am lucky enough to find such a welcoming community at my new location.

One of my neighbors invited me over and sent me home with food and a Kamala bracelet she had made. Yesterday, she came over with cheese wafers and more bracelets to distribute to friends! I've been wearing mine daily and plan to do so until Kamala wins the election! 

I've still managed to get together with friends - Tippy, Sharon, Chris, Lynn, and Tom, Maria and Mark, Deborah, and Amy. With a new Indian restaurant in town, I've managed to visit it three times! I will miss having such tempting cuisine so close, but will have to discover new temptations in the Greenville area.

I had to include the photo to the right. The little orange thing on the grass is Henry's stuffed toy. Henry is Maria and Mark's doggie (Felix's brother) who likes to take his stuffed toy on his walk. Frequently, he will leave it by my mailbox or on the edge of the yard and pick it up on his way home. It always warms my heart and makes me smile when I look out and see it! I'll miss little things like this.

I'm sure I'm forgetting something as I've been preoccupied with the sale of the house, packing, etc. It's a dark, rainy day (the third in a row) and this is the only thing I felt motivated to do. 
While there has been no thunder or storming, only rain, Rosie reacted to it even before the rain started! She spent much of one day looking like she was frightened of something. I really hate seeing her go through this, even when it just rains. I hate to medicate her, but shivering and panting for hours can't be good for her either. It may be a pipe dream, but I hope she doesn't react this way when we get to our new home.

Sending love and good wishes to all.💖😊