Saturday, June 8, 2024

The Month That Was!

Rosie and the Bunny!
I just realized how long it's been since I've posted! The time has totally gotten away from me. It's been a busy month, much of which I'd just as soon forget. It began when we had severe storms pass through with loud and close thunder and lightning. It really frightened Rosie and she started shivering and panting violently, which went on for hours even after the storm passed. She also hid in the closet and wouldn't come out, staying there all night. That stressed me out since I could do nothing to soothe her. Once she's in that state, she won't eat anything, so medication is useless. It was very stressful for us both.

After the first storm passed, she also did the shivering and panting after two of our morning walks.  I figured that was from pain, not stress, so I took her to the vet. He increased her Gabapentin and added another medication. Then, I spent the remainder of the week chasing her around trying to get the new medication in her! Once she became suspicious, she stopped eating! Eventually, we arrived at a workable routine, and she is doing much better.

The storm didn't stop there - it fried my internet box (I heard the pop and smelled the electrical smell) and my sprinkler system control box. I was without internet (no TV, no computer hook up, etc.) for about 5 days. The internet was a quick fix once they got around to it, but the sprinkler problem was not so easy. Once the control box was replaced, the front sprinklers were still not working. After a lot of digging around, they are going to have to relocate some water controller (or whatever) to the tune of $800! They are hoping to get to it on Tuesday. In the meantime, I've been watering with a hose and sprinkler.

The good news is that Tippy had her surgery and came through with flying colors. I've visited on several Sunday mornings and have been amazed at how well she is doing. She says her swallowing is better than it was beforehand (she was eating solid food on her first day home), and she's regaining feeling in her fingers - some very positive residual side effects! I expect her to be back to her ornery self in no time flat!

I'm also happy to report that I'm back to my walking routine at long last. I'm okay as long as the routine isn't broken. Once broken, it takes a lot to get it going again. I pretty much walk every day except Sundays and rainy days. Now that summer is kicking in, it's nice to have a shady area to do it.

I've discovered Facebook Marketplace and it's been a real boost to my decluttering. I gathered all of the plant pots and stands and sold them all. I had three shepherd hook plant hangers - they're gone. I had 2 Asian dinner sets and a porcelain teapot with cups and saucers (all in their original boxes, never used!) - sold! Not sold yet - a fireproof, waterproof security box and a doggie car seat. I'm now in the process of gathering my next offerings!

Chris, Sally, and Moi.
As you know to expect, there were the usual lunches out with friends. Chris, Sally, and I had a delicious vegan meal at The Studio, which was new to me though it has been around for a while. The food was very tasty and I took home as much as I ate there. Being on a streak of trying new restaurants, Chris and I also had lunch at Wine Time in old-town Bluffton. It, too, was nice. We celebrated Lynn's birthday at Jane's, a favorite. Sharon, my friend from my synagogue days, and I have resumed our monthly get-togethers, kicking it off with lunch at Dockside.  I'm probably leaving something out, but you get the picture! 

Then there was 5 o'clock Friday  (yesterday) morning when Rosie awakened me. She was right by my pillow, shivering and panting violently. Throughout the night I heard several strong gusts of wind and light rain, but nothing threatening. I have no idea how long she had been doing that, but she finally settled around 6:30 AM. That can't be good for her. So this morning, we went back to the vet. I explained the situation AND that I was unable to get the anti-anxiety med in her. It must be very bitter because the minute she detects it, she makes a bad face, spits it out, never to touch food again!! So, he has given me a transdermal gel to place on her gums about 30 minutes before a storm. I think the problem might be that she can detect a storm long before I can! As if all of that isn't enough, it looks like all of next week is to be stormy!

Speaking of Stormy - guilty on all 34 counts! Celebratory texts were flying back and forth, and Maria and Mark had me over for delicious munchies and a toast! It's nice to finally have something to celebrate. I'm hoping Karma with a capital K is finally on to him.

Well, that's been my month, and I'm hoping yours was better. Take care!