Saturday, September 26, 2020

Never a Dull Moment!

I’m trying something new to see if this post can be less boring than the last one! I really should have waited to make the last entry because I was definitely in a blah mood and found it difficult to put thoughts together as I would have liked. Anyway, we will see if you notice a difference…..or if life has just become blah!

First off, I'll share my political T-shirt collection. The Black Voter’s Matter was given to me by Tamika when we got the Black Voters Matter bus to come to town and to other parts of the county before the pandemic struck. It is very large so I use it as a nightshirt, and I often wonder what a neighbor would think if they came to my door in the middle of the night (or anytime after I walk Rosie!) and see the shirt! In any case, I am glad I was able to help with the voter issue and I just learned yesterday that they will be coming back to the county in October for a major event targeting young people. The VOTE shirt I ordered to make a statement and I have worn it in the neighborhood a few times, receiving no comments! The first one I ordered was too small so I gave it to my “Resista Sista” Tippy and ordered a larger one for me! The third one is a result of a comment on something of Facebook. I don't remember the post but my comment was, “Looking for the T-shirt.” Deborah B responded by asking that I let her know when I found a good T-shirt. The next day she texted to ask what I thought of this one. How could I not like it when she went to all that trouble? This, too, is large (or more long than large) and will be a nightshirt at some point.

This is a Rosie story that I forgot to tell you…..and I know you’re wanting to hear more Rosie stories! One morning we’re out on our walk and I meet a neighbor whom I often run into. She asked if I knew who lived in the yellow house because she had just seen an armadillo go around to their back yard. I did know them (Norma and Kurt) so I rang their bell to tell them. They were aware there were two in their yard and were okay with it – my kind of people! Anyway, we just stepped inside the door for this exchange but Norma wasn’t visible. Well, Rosie did her half-bark, half-howl, which she had not done there before. We stopped for only a minute and were off again. Then, a few days later when we are passing their house, Rosie goes as far up their driveway as the leash will allow. Usually, I just stand and wait for her to decide that we aren’t going for a visit. Well, this time she just sat down looking longingly at their front door!! I tempted, cajoled, threatened, but nothing helped. Finally, I thought I’d just let her walk to the door and when no one answers, she would give up and go home. She does her little whine and suddenly the door opens. It’s Kurt who asked if I rang the doorbell. I say “no” and explain the situation and showed him the photo. He had a hearty laugh and said,’ Well, I’m sitting here with my coffee thinking that my stomach is growling…..then I realize the sound is coming from the door”. Sure enough, Norma is in the bedroom and Rosie doesn’t see her. She does her howl thing again. Norma calls her and she goes tearing to her. After that, all is well. I think she just wanted to check on Norma. What a silly (spoiled) girl!

Along with the political angst, I’ve been dealing with little fires around the house.

Ø  My icemaker had to be replaced and it wasn’t covered but my home warranty. Finding anyone locally was not productive, so I contacted GE online. Hundreds of dollars later, it was replaced and all seemed well. The next morning, the well in the door of the fridge was full of water and the rug in front of the fridge was soaking wet. Figuring out how to get the same guy to come and look at it was not easy. Eventually, he was able to work me in the next day and this time replaced the valve. I probably didn’t even need the icemaker replaced, but that’s how it turned out! $$$

Ø  Something has happened to my mailbox. I don’t know if it was hit by something or if there is rot. The arm on which the mailbox sits is pulling away from the post. My newly found handyman was able to patch it up and extend its life for a while longer. $$

Ø  My car was due for a service that required brake pads, shock absorbers, etc. $$$$ Anyway, it's done.

Over Labor Day weekend, I did some baking as a thank-you to neighbors. Some have loaned me jigsaw puzzles, my next-door neighbor mows a little strip of my yard that is missed by the yard workers and the golf course, others have invited me over or just been very tolerant of Rosie and me! I had gotten two delicious recipes from Chris (Toblerone Shortbread and Carmelites) that are so rich I would only make when I could give most of it away! I baked on Sunday and delivered them on Monday. I totally enjoyed the whole process and it was an unexpected surprise for them. We sometimes forget how a small gesture can make someone’s day.

While I was doing my baking, five neighbors dropped by to pick up postcards to write to voters on behalf of candidates running for office in  SC. This is part of the Crescent organizing that Lynn and I have been doing. We ran a little contest to name our group and we are now the Crescent Blue Wave. In our small neighborhood of 400 homes, we have identified 50+ liberals and we keep adding new people. I think everyone feels happy to know they are not alone in the neighborhood. If the pandemic is ever over, it will be fun to get together socially. For local readers, there are community groups in most areas of HHI and Bluffton. If you haven't found yours, let me know and I'll try to help.

This past Sunday the Beaufort Country GOP opened their headquarters and Lindsey Graham was to speak. The Bluffton Democratic Club thought it a good opportunity to remind Lindsey what he had said (and reneged on) about installing another Supreme Court judge in an election year. There was little time to prepare and when the event began there were only 5 of us with signs. Eventually, our group grew to about 14 - 15. To be honest, I didn't think their group was as large as I would have expected, but boy were they nasty! We were at the back of the crowd - with masks and socially distanced, neither of which made a difference to them, Behind us were two policemen and you can believe I knew them in my sight at all times!

Here is a link to local WJCL coverage. Sorry, there is an ad in the beginning.

What the news clip did NOT show. 

I wasn't holding my sign backward! The other side said Lying Leningrad Lindsey.


 Finally, a link to a Letter to the Editor again stating that we were peaceful.

That was a frightening experience. There were several times I was aware that I was shaking! You wonder what makes these people so angry that they behave this way. It was like some kind of bullying frenzy!  WJCL was there filming and they didn't mind at all that their behavior was being filmed. At least now we have been informed to whom this country belongs - old, white men!  This should tell you why we feel this November election is probably the most important in my lifetime. Four more years of this and there won't be enough pieces to pick up and patch together. It's a very sad and anxiety-producing time.

I'm taking this weekend off but next weekend I plan to do speed canvassing for the Bluffton Dem Club. We won't actually be knocking on doors and talking to people but rather leaving printed materials on their doorknob or in the door jam. I figure with a mask (and I think they provide face shields) and hand sanitizer, it will be safe. Needless to say, I will be glad when this is over and just hope we can regain some semblance of sanity and humanity.

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Dog Days of Summer (lethargy, inactivity, and indolence)

It's been almost a month since I last posted and I don't know where the time has gone. It seems to be passing quickly even though I'm not busy with anything. Some groups have started meeting via Zoom and while that adds activities to the calendar, they take less time than usual with not having to get dressed, driving to and from, etc. For that reason, I really like them though I do miss seeing the groups in person.

Yes, our pandemic group continues, and Tippy and I get together regularly. The last time the weather cooperated and we had a nice lunch at Ruan Thai (Thai-ed one on, as we say!) The dining room is closed but they have set up tables outside under a tree and on this day it was overcast, cooler, and breezy. While there were people picking up carry-outs, there was only one other couple dining outside and they were at the opposite end from us. 

Rhonda C. also came out for dinner recently and Rosie went berzerk! It had been a long time since Rhonda had been over and she stayed with Rosie for one of our Africa trips. I swear that Rosie recognized her car! She always carries on at the door, but this time it was louder and prolonged. Then when Rhonda got inside, Rosie had a running fit. It was a fun evening and while we ate dinner, I put Rosie's bed beside Rhonda's chair and she was perfectly happy.

Here is Rosie contemplating her ball! When she gets on the rug like this and wags her tail, she wants to play. Before I can get to her, she will flip up and run to her toy basket (in background) to select the toy of the day. Sadly, she had a shivery episode on Monday after our morning walk. I'm not aware that we did anything out of the ordinary, but as I was sitting on the couch, she lay down between my feet, which is unlike her. That's when I realized she was shivering. I then just comforted her until it was over and she was very low key for the rest of the day. That is always so unsettling for me and I'm sure it's even worse for her.

This past week I've been working on the Liberal Ladies newsletter. Though I enjoy doing it and it's great to work with the ladies on the steering committee, it is one of several obligations I'll be cutting back. I've done the newsletter for 2 years so it's time for someone else to take over. The pandemic has shown me that for someone who is a homebody, I was really overextended. I'm hoping the election will provide relief for all of us and we can move forward with less anxiety overall. 

Of course, we political wonks continue to do our best between now and November. I did these 50 GOTV (Get Out the Vote) cards. Luckily, I figured out how to print labels from the list of names I was given, so that saved some time, which I used to write a more informed message (listing Biden/Harris, Jaime Harrison, Joe Cunningham, and all local Dems. - leaving nothing to guesswork!) It took a while but I was happy to help. Lynn and I continue to organize our Crescent Democrats and we've identified 48 already. We try to keep them informed of events and volunteer 
opportunities....and several have volunteered to do postcards. It will be great when we can actually get together socially and get to know one another.

I would be interested in what you folks abroad are hearing about everything going on here and what you think about it. You have to know that these last days leading to the election are tense ones for us. My personal feeling is that a lot of damage can be done between now and the election (whenever it is decided!). Even if trump loses, he can do more damage between November and January. And if the wins, there won't be enough left after four more years to recognize. It feels like a now or never situation and I hope people will vote with the wellbeing of our country in mind. What a mess!

I'm sorry this is dull and boring but that's life during quarantine! I know that kids in the UK are back at school this week, while we can't seem to do what is required for that! While you are getting back to some semblance of normalcy, those of us here with concerns about our health are hunkered down and the rest think it's a hoax. We could be here for a while.

I will leave you with something funny. Tom of our pandemic group has taken to Tic Toc and keeps finding these funny talking dog videos and sending them to me. Below is the one that had me laughing out loud.

I hope this finds everyone safe and well! 
Love to all.