In my last post, I mentioned that Rosie was behaving anxiously and I didn't know why. Several times I found her cowering and shivering in my closet. Once I picked her up and put her on the bed and she began panting, which she has only done while riding in the car, so I knew she was anxious. Then one day she saw someone come into the yard looking for a golf ball and she jumped up, tail and ears up, and barked at the invader. I praised her, but when I walked through the living room a few minutes later, she wasn't there. I found her in bad, under the cover, shivering. It was at that time I called the vet and made an appointment. It turns out it was a back issue, which is often an issue for long-bodied dogs. The vet felt down Rosie's spine and when she got about 3/4 down, Rosie yelped. So, she was put on 3 meds for a week, which was lots of fun trying to get into her. She is like a cat in that she can eat everything and spit out the pill. Her keen sense of smell also doesn't help. I did the best I could and it seemed to help. I am now trying her on CBD oil and it seems to be helping. I'm hoping it was only inflammation and nothing more and that the CBD oil will help control it. It is such a helpless feeling when something is wrong and they can't tell you what, and I never want to see her in pain. Please keep your fingers crossed that all goes well.
Some of you who have visited may recognize the guy on the cover of our local magazine. He's the chef at one of our favorite restaurants, Olive & Fig. We were pleased to see the magazine do a positive piece on 6 immigrants who have made prominent contributions to our community. I belong to Lowcountry Immigration Coalition, joining after the El Paso shooting. It was heartening to see 4 new people show up in response to the shooting. We wanted to know what was happening in our local community and how we could help. There are 3200 Latinos registered to vote here, but they are hesitant to do so. The local League of Women Voters is going to work on getting them represented in the census, which they are also reticent to do, and out to vote. The Bluffton Drinking Liberally meets at a restaurant owned by an immigrant and he has hosted several Democrat candidates to speak there. He has also received threats and promises of people who will no longer frequent his establishment. That is why positive articles like this mean a lot in a place like this.
Well, another birthday has rolled around - #73!! How did I get so old so fast? Luckily, I have nothing to complain about except for putting on weight - and I blame that on the chaos of trump!! Reyna was kind enough to have our merry band over for chili rellenos, red rice, salad, and pistachio cake. It was all delicious and everyone was in fine form.
We celebrated on Friday because Tippy and Kieran would be out of town on the 20th, so I felt like I celebrated the whole, long MLK weekend. Saturday and Sunday were quiet but on Monday I participated in two MLK marches - one in HHI, the other in Bluffton. We have been having fantastically beautiful weather, but overnight the temperature dropped to 36 degrees at the start of the HHI march. Thank goodness it was clear, bright and not breezy. I was walking with Lowcountry Coalition Against Hate, but there were many groups I could have walked with. It was great to see so many kids participating, and there was a 9 member band who showed up on their own, in the cold! They really were a great addition. There was a good turnout and it is one of the few things that attract a diverse gathering. It's a shame we don't interact more. Anyway, at 2 PM Risa ad I took the banner to Bluffton, arriving at what we thought was well in advance of departure...but there was no one around. A guy came up who was operating with the same information we had and suggested we go to the other side of the building. When we did, we ran into 4 adults and lots of kids who were also trying to find the parade. Someone received a text saying they had begun early and were already at the destination. So, they unrolled their banner and we had our own little march to the park!! So, it was a full day, though chilly. Yesterday and today have also been cold though today will get into the 50s. I'm hoping this will go away and our mild winter will return.
Thanks to one and all for the many birthday wishes whether by mail, email, Facebook, Messenger, phone, or in person! It is always great to hear from friends, especially on a birthday! You made it a very special day!
I'll leave you with another wedding video. This is one that was professionally done for Warisa and Jeffrey's wedding that I shared last time. This is so beautifully done, I thought you might like it, too.