While 2020 is a ways off, things have been busy here. Chris and I have found a fun way to contribute to campaigns - we sign up to attend cocktail party/fundraisers. It's almost like a tour of homes! The first one we went to was held at a 6000 sq. ft. home overlooking Calibogue Sound. It was an amazing house, a fantastic view, and an enjoyable evening. We've also signed up for a brunch in Beaufort to benefit Jamie Harrison, who is running against Lindsey Graham. We've heard Jamie speak before, but he will be attending the brunch and we'll see him in a different setting.....and maybe get a selfie!!
Yesterday, we (Chris and I) went to a Women for Warren gathering at another beautiful home on Callawassee Island. I was interested because the invitation specifically said that she (Warren) wanted to mobilize women, which I'm all for. We've seen where 200+ years of men have gotten us and I fully believe women can do better and will behave differently. She definitely has my attention!
And I mustn't forget that we got a short notice that Joe Cunningham was in town and meeting with constituents at the old oyster factory park, so we went to that also. He is such a nice guy and I do hope he will be re-elected. We will have our work cut out for us.
We are also signed up for an ACLU workshop tomorrow called Rights for All. I expect that to be very informative.
On Friday, Tippy, Kieran and I attended Lights for Liberty vigil in Beaufort to protest the treatment of those seeking asylum at our southern border. It was the first time in ages I've LEFT my house at 7PM to attend an event!! Usually, 7PM is time for me to get home! We were pleased that the crowd numbered around 200. There were three speakers - an Episcopal priest, a rabbi, and George K., who has worked on immigration issues as long as I've been here. They all were short and sweet but hit just the right tone. Then we marched to the Richard V. Woods Memorial Bridge and had 5 minutes of silence for those at the border. The original plan was to walk on the bridge and have the vigil there, but it was the opening night of the Beaufort Water Festival and permits could not be obtained. It all worked out well since we were able to see the fireworks from the festival as we drove home.....a nice way to end the evening.
Believe it or not, I have managed to get a few other things done and my bust of energy remains. I had three area rugs cleaned and they brighten up the whole place. This Flokati is Rosie's favorite play area and here she is inspecting the clean rug. She's glad to have it back.
I thought I was going to have company over the July 4th as my cousin texted to say that he and his wife would be on the island from noon on the 3rd until noon on the 4th!?!? Don't even ask!! I was wide open so just asked them to let me know what was convenient for them. I got another text on the night of the 3rd saying they could meet me for coffee at 1PM on the 4th, but I suggested they just stop by here. So, I got busy and made a little cheese plate and a blueberry tart. One PM came and went, as did 3PM. I texted several times saying that I was getting concerned. Not a word until the next morning when he said they had to leave suddenly. I hoped there was no emergency.....no, they just had to leave unexpectedly!! He said he had texted me but I didn't receive it and the only problem was that I was left with a whole blueberry tart and loads of good cheese!!!

With all of that, both Rosie and I have been to our respective doctors and gotten a clean bill of health, though she was not pleased to get her shots. It took me two days to get back into her good graces. Tippy invited us for a nice walk on the beach on a morning that turned out to be very tolerable - overcast and with a breeze. It's always fun to see her off leash where she can run and explore.....and Tippy and I never run out of things to talk about.
An update on Tippy: She had her biopsy and it is cancerous. She remains very positive and has a medical team that is confident they can go for the cure. They meet today to develop a plan for her and Tippy will go up tomorrow to get details. She has a fantastic support team here but I'm sure she would appreciate your good thoughts as well, and I will keep you posted.

Ann W
Sharon B
Melodee D
Jane M
Jean M
Eileen H
Very Happy Birthdays!