My little, baby girl had an accident. We were walking on Tuesday morning and she got two nails on her right, back foot caught in a crack and pulled them until they were bleeding. I thought she had gotten something stuck between her pads and it was only the second time I checked that I realized they were bleeding. I was afraid they would have to be removed but the vet didn't want to do that unless she absolutely had to, thus the bandage. Rosie put up with it for two days, then began to actively work at removing it. She got it off and I wrapped it again. That one she got off in record time, so I took her back to the vet the day before she was scheduled. She thought it looked well enough to leave the bandage off. Rosie's also on antibiotics for a few more days and we will both be happy with that is over.
She and I also had a close encounter with an alligator along one of our usual walking routes. We were along one of the golf holes (#7) and Rosie was sniffing up a hill near the cart path. I was daydreaming in la-la land and paying no attention. One of my neighbors was walking her dog toward us and yelled, "Donna, alligator!" It took me a minute to locate him and he was about 30 feet ahead of us, on the cart path, preparing to cross the road. I got a tight rein on Rosie and started backing up slowly - not wanting to make a sudden move and wanting to keep an eye on him. Thank goodness, he was intent of crossing the road! Also, thank goodness, my neighbor was there!! We could have stumbled right into him if she had not yelled. I am always alert and on the lookout for them near lagoons but this was a big wakeup call. It is the time of year they move around and you never know where they might be. No more daydreaming for me!!
Major announcement: I have dropped my cable service, finally! My bill for cable, phone, and internet had reached $250/month. To make matters even worse, we are held captive. Hargray, the local service, made early agreements with almost all communities when they put in cable that they would use only Hargray, so there is no competition. And, without our approval (or even discussion) the Crescent re-upped with them! I had been meaning to go to streaming for a while and that tipped me over the edge. Two of my TVs were "smart" but old enough to require a FireStick, but that was quick and easy to install. And what I really love is that all of those messy cords go away. If anything, the picture is sharper. I'm really pleased with it.....should have done it long ago!
I'm going to do you a BIG favor and not get into a political rant today! Most of you, if you've listened to our news lately, can probably guess my state of mind. Things just get stranger and stranger, worse and worse. Who has a spare room for let??