Thursday, January 23, 2025

Birthday and Snow Day!

Yes, we have snow! And, it's cold! Yesterday, when we woke up to snow-covered ground, I decided to stay in my PJs and robe all day long...and loved it. I can't remember the last time I did that, but I knew no one would come to my door. When it was time for Rosie's walk, I put her harness on (no jacket) and walked her to the snow at the edge of the porch. She took a few steps on the snow and turned right around, as I knew she would! The next time, I suited her up and she was ready to venture forth, with only partial success (a long pee!). I stood on the porch and let her go as far as the extendable leash would allow! It was on the third try around 4 PM that we finally had success! 
I got dressed this morning to take her for a real walk, but the snow had turned to ice and I didn't want to risk a fall. So, we just diddled around a little in the yard. I think we are both over it!! I'm not sure how long it will take for things to get back to normal as we still have three nights down in the 20s.

I'm not sure what I did wrong to have a birthday coinciding with trump's inauguration, but I promise, I will never do it again! Actually, thanks to wonderful friends, it was a fun day as we were all happy to have a diversion. Lynn and Chris were kind enough to provide lunch for some of my favorite people - Rhonda, Sally, Maria, and Mark. Tippy and Kieran were missed, and I hope Tippy will be her sassy self at my next one! There seemed to be a theme to gifts, which provided lots of laughs and comments, especially the trump toilet paper and poop bags. I just hate that anyone spent a penny on anything pertaining to him
, but I appreciate their thoughtfulness. We had a delicious lunch followed by a beautiful and tasty chocolate birthday cake. Lynn was gracious enough to only put one candle on it! We all took some of it home with us to enjoy later. It really was a fun afternoon and a great birthday. When I move, these are the people I will miss. Wherever you are, it's the people who make life liveable and enjoyable, and I've been blessed with the best! Thank you, my friends!

Speaking of moving, before the storm, things had just begun to move. On the previous Thursday, as I was going to an appointment, my realtor texted to ask if someone could view the house in an hour and a half. I knew I could not make my appointment and get the house ready in time, so after nothing had happened since the first week of the month, I had to decline! The next day, I had two showings. The next two days, there was a showing each day, with one of them being a return visit. They wanted to put an offer contingent on their selling a home in Florida, which won't work with my plans. Even so, I'm glad things are moving and hope I can get it sold before trump tanks the economy. Send good juju my way! 👍

The surprise party came when I received a text from my cousin Dennis and his wife Carol. They would be on Daufeskie Island and asked if I'd be able to join them for lunch on Friday when they came to Hilton Head. It had been such a long time since I'd seen them, and I was delighted to get together. They were traveling with their daughter Amanda and two grandchildren, so it was a lively gathering. We met up at Java Burrito Company for a hearty lunch, but little did I know that they had a birthday hat, a muffin with a candle, a birthday card, and a lovely necklace made by Carol. They sang Happy Birthday, joined by folks in the restaurant. Cued by the hat, everyone along the way kept wishing me a happy birthday! It was fun! And it was good to see them after such a long time. I still have no idea how they knew it was my birthday, and I was certainly taken by surprise. I'm happy that they make the effort to get together whenever in the area.

I was also pleased to hear from family and friends far and wide - by cards, text, phone, and on Facebook. It was great to hear from everyone. 
Thank you so much!

“Truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget.” —G. Randolf

I'm pleased to announce that Paula, a friend from Saudi days whom many of you know, has a book out! Being a longtime dog lover and having volunteered at an animal rescue in Spain, she decided to write a book about rescue doggies.....and Rosie's story is in it! I was finally about to get a copy through Amazon and, naturally the first thing I did was look for Rosie's story!  Second-Hand Dogs is a compilation of short stories of people and the doggies they adopted from a shelter. It is quite impressive! There are more stories than I expected and it must have been a chore to request and gather them all, as well as editing, permissions, etc. Anyway, interspersed with the stories are "Words of Wisdom", or well-known quotes about dogs. Then at the end, she has practical and helpful advice for anyone interested in adopting a shelter dog. I was very impressed by it all and I hope Paula is pleased with the finished product. It was quite an undertaking, but I for one and so glad she met the challenge. It's a lovely book for any dog lover.

There have been the usual - well, with the holidays, more than usual gatherings with friends. Chris had us over for Christmas lunch. Then Maria & Mark included me when they hosted their trivia group, most of whom are democrats who I also know. On my walk home, I found this surprise at my door! A nice selection of nuts and dried fruit from Jim in Sarasota! Totally unexpected, but such a nice treat! I miss seeing him and Anthony as they traveled between DC and FL, and I do hope we can catch up soon. Jim, thank you so much!

Maria and Mark also had a gathering for democrats in the neighborhood. They were pleased to have a great turnout. Rhonda and I have gotten together here for a good natter, as well as Melodie and her friends Josie and Kristen for Indian food. There are also three ladies in the neighborhood with whom I get together, and one just had a big party to celebrate her 80th. Makes me feel good to know I'm not the oldest one around!! All in all, it's been busy but lots of fun.

With the colder weather, Rosie's wardrobe has expanded. I'm impressed with her new jacket, which is fleece-lined and better made than mine! I have finally found a thunder shirt that fits her and I think it is going to help. I've only used it once when she began to shiver and it seemed to keep her calm. Her indoor animal print sweater was a gift from Maria and Mark. She has needed something heavier through much of the winter, but it has been perfect for inside the house on these snowy days.

When the house is being shown, Rosie and I have to be out. One day we went to Jarvis Creek Park, where we discovered a feral cat colony, and the lady was there feeding them. I loved the photo of the walkway with the leaves. Unfortunately, since it is a raised walkway, Rosie wouldn't walk it, so that's as much as we saw! That's your Rosie update! She sends her love!

I'm sure you've seen the news and know the hateful chaos that is happening as we descend into Fascism. I'm not sure how the democratic process failed the republican party and those in it, but they sure seem to hate this country and most people in it. It has gone so far that I truly fear for our future. I don't know what else to say. It's sad. Keep the faith!

Monday, December 23, 2024

Bah Humbug!

Things have improved a little since my last post! Not because the trump-musk chaos has lessened, but because I am looking for different coping methods. As is my habit, I tuned in to Morning Joe the morning after the election. They were bashing Dems and Kamala, and I only listened for about 10 minutes before turning it off. I haven't viewed them since! Those who know me know that I keep/kept MSNBC on 24/7, usually muted or on low. That, too, has changed. I've found CBS 24/7, which I'm enjoying. They cover the news, but not the same thing over and over. They have more human interest stories, and programs such as Uplift, The Dish (food, chefs, etc), and so on. In other words, a little more balanced. I do return to MSNBC around 4 PM for Nicole Wallace and a few of the evening shows. Even then, I'm usually multi-tasking with a crossword or other game or puzzle. Oh, I've also not renewed my NYT subscription, and I wrote to tell them why! I'm happy to subscribe to their games section only.

Even so, I can't do nothing! So, rather than being tied up in knots, I'm going to lead my life and devote part of one afternoon a week to doing what I feel necessary. While I don't like to make phone calls, I am going to email and fax....and request a reply! To do nothing is to allow them to do their will too easily. While I know Graham, Scott, and all of them are total lackeys, I refuse to make it easy on them! So, that's my plan.

As you might imagine, the holiday spirit is at a minimum for me, for several reasons. I'm not the least bit "down" about it, it's just not happening for me this year. The little tree shown here is the extent of it. I've put the ceramic tree my mother made years ago in the bedroom and a wreath on the front door - and that's it! My Christmas cacti have shown up at the right time, and Rosie provides entertainment with her Christmas duck! She's so funny! The duck is larger than her other squeaky toys and makes a different sound. It took her a little while to figure out how to carry it, but she's got it now! She can't squeak it with her mouth so she bonks it with her nose!

In keeping with my blah spirit, I haven't done Christmas cards either! I've heard from people to whom I want to respond, but I just wasn't motivated to do so until I received this card from Reyna's daughter Michelle. She lives with her dad and isn't in the neighborhood, so I don't see her very often. She is quieter than Reyna's other kids, somewhat shy and sensitive. I also think she struggles in school, which breaks my heart. Reyna said she was concerned about me because I lived alone! She used to walk over and visit after school. Anyway, once I received this, I wanted to get a note to her before Christmas, so I made a card with Rosie on the front. On the inside, I included several photos of her previous visits here, along with a little note. That project got me going and I thought this blog entry would be next so I might wish readers a happy holiday. I will get to everyone else, though it may be around New Year. At least I'm on the move!

In addition to hearing from Michelle, I had a second delightful "glimmer" recently. I have been "downsizing" as much as I can in anticipation of my move. Some things I've trashed, others I've donated, and some I've sold. One thing that I have an abundance of is crystal, which not many people are interested in nowadays. I had 60 pieces of Cumbria crystal which I offered for sale on Facebook Marketplace. Eventually, I was contacted by a lady who was interested in the crystal and a set of china! I just assumed it was someone local, but on the day it was to be picked up, she said her daughter and her fiance would be picking it up. They were driving all the way from Durham, NC!! They turned out to be a delightful, young Asian-American couple, who arrived with everything they needed to pack things up and transport them safely. I was surprised to learn that they had researched Cumbria Crystal and knew that it was in the Lake District and how beautiful the area was! As they packed, we chatted and I thoroughly enjoyed their visit. This was a wedding gift from her mother. As they left, she asked if she could give me a hug, which I gladly accepted. Needless to say, I texted her mom and told her what a delightful couple they were and wished them all the best. A little later, she replied that they enjoyed the visit and said I had "good energy'! Not only did that make my day, it made my week! 

You know my support group, my buddies! There have been the usual gatherings. Lunches out, as here with Chris and Tippy. Into SAV with Maria and Mark for Indian food. An evening out with three neighborhood ladies to see Christmas lights, ending with ice cream at the local nitrogen place, and more. This, more than anything else, is what I'm going to miss when I move! Social plans continue through the New Year.

As I write this, Tippy is at MUSC preparing for surgery tomorrow. The previous surgery was successful, but she was left anatomically unable to hold her head up! Now, they are going to go further down the spine to prove enough support for her to be able to do so. She is very positive and wanted to get it done sooner rather than later, but said she was tired of being a "tough old broad"! I can certainly understand how she feels. We are all sending positive, healing thoughts her way.

It is now the next day! As I was finishing up this entry, I received a text from my realtor saying that someone wanted to view the house at 4 PM. That means I have to get it looking as though we don't live here! Then, Rosie and I have to be out 15 minutes before their expected arrival and thru the visit. It's a pain, but I hustled and got it done - and then they didn't show!! That was NOT nice! Anyway, I'm back, in time to wish you a very Merry Christmas and all the best in the New Year! Much love to all.

Monday, November 25, 2024

That's Who We Are!

Well, I've put this off as long as I can, knowing that I don't have the words to adequately express how I feel and it's likely to become more of a rant! I don't even remember what happened before November 5, but everything pales in significance to the election results. Disappointment doesn't even come close, as the daily bombardment of chaos, divisiveness, and hate-spew has already started. It's also clear that he is surrounding himself with yes-men, men unqualified for the jobs and thoroughly capable of such heinous actions as separating children from their parents because they've already done it once! Men who are capable and desirous of "de-constructing" our government. My fear is that once they rig things for four years (as they have already done by gerrymandering), we will never be able to win an election again...or may never even be given the opportunity! It's probably going to be shock and aw right off the bat, so we may as well use the coming month to prepare ourselves.

Those are the major things to be concerned about. The morning after the election, I took Rosie to Lowcountry Presbyterian Church for our morning walk. I really did not want to run into my neighbors for fear of saying something I'd regret (which I still managed to do a few days later!) or burst into tears. Overnight, I felt like a stranger in a strange land, knowing that most of them voted for trump and therefore support his actions, past, present, and future. It was the unavoidable realization that our values are starkly opposed at the core of our being. I have never viewed people as I do now, and I can attribute that to one man and those who follow him. The first time he won, not even he expected to win. That could be considered a mistake. This time around, he was elected with full knowledge of his lack of moral character, his hate-filled, racist, and divisive language, his trying to instigate a coup, and his overall lack of qualifications. The fact that he defeated a well-qualified, experienced female clearly shows where women stand in our society - to say nothing of Black women! It was a real eye-opener, and not in a good way! It makes me extremely sad for the turn this country has taken, and an awareness that I may not live long enough to see it return to a more positive direction! I believe that living and traveling abroad has shown me how much we have to be thankful for, and that many people here don't realize what they are jeopardizing. I hope they wise up before it's too late. In the meantime, we may as well prepare ourselves for a 24/7 bombardment of chaos, corruption, and actions that we feel are morally abhorrent.  At least, by refusing to sign the ethics agreement, he's making no pretense of anything else! My Facebook statement follows:

God help us!

My only consolation is that I did not vote for evil.

  • My new Facebook photo, which is likely to be there for 4 years, unless I find something better!
  • My Rosie walking attire for the week following the election!
  • Friendsgiving dinner with WD (at the end of the table) and Norma (across from me).
  • Tippy and me at our favorite haunt.

I and most of my friends have not felt social unless it is to get together to commiserate. Neighbors Norma and WD invited me to join them for a Friendsgiving dinner at the clubhouse. It caught me off guard with no handy excuse, even though I did not feel the least bit like attending. It was a Thanksgiving meal and I don't even eat meat, but Rosie got a nice surprise!  It turned out to be okay and I appreciated them thinking of me. Tippy and I met up for a good natter and pep talk, which I always enjoy. We were being our usual selves and were told, "You ladies are so cute!"  Maria and Mark invited me for Thanksgiving before I had decided whether or not I was going to even celebrate it! I was caught off guard again!! I also joined three neighborhood ladies for Mexican food. We talked politics, but we must have broadened the conversation to include a few laughs. As we were getting up to leave, a lady approached us from another table and said, "I have a wonderful group over here that I love being with, but if anything happens to them, I want to join your group!" We all had a big laugh and assured her she would be welcome. It made my day - just a little "glimmer" of joy!

Now I just have to decide what I'm doing about Christmas. With the house on the market, I really don't feel like doing much, nor do I know whether or not I'll feel social by then. I may just put a few decorative items in the house so that if anyone does want to view it over the holidays (unlikely), it won't look like the Grinch lives here (though I have days of feeling like the Grinch!)!

As luck would have it, I spoke with both Pamela, the Sales Manager at Clinton Presbyterian Community, and Mary, my realtor, today. I was saddened to learn that Pamela has recently been diagnosed with breast cancer and is unsure of her work schedule for the coming year. It sounds like a strenuous year of treatment, but she is positive and hopeful. She is connecting me with Mike from the main office with whom I've spoken before, as well as Tameka, who is the administrator of the community. I asked about the progress on my house, and she said it was basically the same as the photos she had sent weeks earlier.  She felt that with the holidays, they would not likely get back to it until after the new year, which is good news for me as it gives me more time to sell my house. They have been very understanding, for which I thanked her, but told her I was still worried about selling the house. She told me "not to stress" and that it would all work out! I am very appreciative of their understanding, and I hope the timing works out - sooner rather than later!

Well, folks, I hope this makes sense in this senseless time. I wish I had better news to report and more hope for the future, but I feel it will be various degrees of chaos and hatefulness. I would be happy to be proven wrong! Take care, my friends.💖

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Not Much Happening!

I wanted to give you a quick update even though there isn't much to report. We made it through Helene with very little damage, for which I'm thankful. Thursday night was long and noisy with several tornado alerts, but despite the gusty winds, we didn't have to take shelter in the closet. By mid-day Friday, the wind had settled, the sun came out, and we were able to survey the debris. Some trees came down, but overall, we were very lucky. The devastation in the NC mountains is just inconceivable! I don't know how you ever recover from that, nor can I imagine how long it will take. Five years ago, Jan and I were there, and it's difficult to believe that much of it has been washed away! 

Helene also swept through the Clinton Presbyterian Community, where I hope to move. They were without electricity for days and a tree fell on a home in the community. And I thought I would be escaping the threat of hurricanes!! I think Mother Nature is telling us we need to do things differently, and we are choosing to remain clueless! 

Speaking of the move, it seems that the real estate market has dried up! I had one showing on Monday of this week, and that was the first since the weekend before the storm! I just lowered the price for the second time, with no response! Also, there were three houses for sale in the Crescent, all with the same floorplan!! One was priced very low and sold immediately. No sooner had it gone than another with the same floorplan popped up.....3 doors down from me!! How often would you expect something like that to happen? I'm not sure what I'll do if my place in Clinton is ready and I still haven't sold this house. I've spoken to the people there and they seem very understanding and helpful, but I'm sure they have their limits. Once the holidays hit, everything will come to a stop, so I hope and pray it will sell soon! 

I'm feeling a bit stuck right now. I can't pack much without having boxes everywhere. It's also hard to make plans with friends because I'm worried someone might want to see the house, which I definitely want them to do! It feels like there's a lot of rushing around followed by waiting. Some days I'm really productive, and on others, I get nothing done. It's really nerve-wracking!

So we have a major hurricane, a dried-up real estate market, and the usual negativity and stress of an election!! For the life of me, I can't understand how rational people can set aside their moral code, their ethics, their religion, and their common sense to vote for someone like trump! It is beyond my comprehension, yet here we are! Harris and Walz have presented an obvious contrast to the negativity, divisiveness, and hate of the trump campaign. I'm hoping most people are as happy to see that as I am! I have to believe that good will prevail, that people will put country over party, and that most of us value the Constitution and the democratic process. If not, we will be in deep trouble.

One of my concerns was that I might be caught between locations during the move and not able to vote in either place. With the market being so slow, I'm assured of being able to vote here. Early voting begins on Oct. 21, and I'll be among the first!

As mentioned last time, a neighbor has been making the bracelets shown here and kept me in a steady supply. I've shared them with friends and worn it every day since receiving it, thinking it might spur conversation. As we've taken our daily walks, no one has mentioned it! Recently, I've taken to wearing two so I might give them to democrat neighbors I run into!

My little girl is on Valium! I tried lots of calming potions and treats, but nothing seemed to work, so I took her back to the vet to see if there was something that just might level her out. He suggested trying the Valium, and it seems to be working. This morning there was a gentle rain and she didn't react to it at all. Also, during Helene, I only had to use the gel twice. I'm considering this a win and hoping it lasts.

Yippee! I just received a notification of a viewing request for 3:15 this afternoon, so I'd better hustle and make it look like I don't live here! Send good thoughts my way!

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Just a Quick Note

As you might guess, I've been busy! I've packed up the spare bedrooms, and most boxes are in the closets. I can't pack up much more without having boxes sitting around, so I've been going through everything and leaving behind only what I will take with me. Packing isn't time-consuming; it's the sorting through, disposing of, selling, etc. that takes time. I also feel in limbo, waiting for something to happen and knowing it will be chaotic when it does! In the end, I know I will still likely take too much with me, but as time goes by it is easier to get rid of things one way or the other!

You can't begin to imagine the "stuff" I've discovered. Stuff I didn't know I had! Look at those little sandals. Those had to be mine 75 years ago. I did the needlepoint cover for our family bible, probably while in high school. Then, there was the surprise gift, still in the box. I have no idea who gave it to me or why I never used it....or even re-gifted it! The boxes contain a lifetime of photographs! And that's not all of them! This is what happens when you have too much, and this just scratches the surface.

The house hasn't sold, which is the key to it all. Things went great guns in the beginning, sometimes with two showings a day, but it has lessened to a trickle. My realtor stopped by yesterday and things seem to have dried up since Labor Day. She stressed the importance of getting it under contract before mid-November when things basically stop for the holidays. The next step will be to lower the price. I'll be talking to Pamela in Clinton tomorrow and will have a better idea of when my place there with be complete and what my options are if my house hasn't sold by that time. Send good vibes my way!

You can see the house on Zillow - HERE

I have been receiving a lot of love from my neighbors as they find out about my departure. Their kindness is really touching. People have been stopping me during our walks, visiting the house, and inviting me over. I've always appreciated their kindness, and now even more so. It will be tough to leave, and I hope I am lucky enough to find such a welcoming community at my new location.

One of my neighbors invited me over and sent me home with food and a Kamala bracelet she had made. Yesterday, she came over with cheese wafers and more bracelets to distribute to friends! I've been wearing mine daily and plan to do so until Kamala wins the election! 

I've still managed to get together with friends - Tippy, Sharon, Chris, Lynn, and Tom, Maria and Mark, Deborah, and Amy. With a new Indian restaurant in town, I've managed to visit it three times! I will miss having such tempting cuisine so close, but will have to discover new temptations in the Greenville area.

I had to include the photo to the right. The little orange thing on the grass is Henry's stuffed toy. Henry is Maria and Mark's doggie (Felix's brother) who likes to take his stuffed toy on his walk. Frequently, he will leave it by my mailbox or on the edge of the yard and pick it up on his way home. It always warms my heart and makes me smile when I look out and see it! I'll miss little things like this.

I'm sure I'm forgetting something as I've been preoccupied with the sale of the house, packing, etc. It's a dark, rainy day (the third in a row) and this is the only thing I felt motivated to do. 
While there has been no thunder or storming, only rain, Rosie reacted to it even before the rain started! She spent much of one day looking like she was frightened of something. I really hate seeing her go through this, even when it just rains. I hate to medicate her, but shivering and panting for hours can't be good for her either. It may be a pipe dream, but I hope she doesn't react this way when we get to our new home.

Sending love and good wishes to all.💖😊

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Storm Debby Sweeps Through!

This is an impromptu entry as I am at a standstill. The realtor had arranged to photograph the house today but, of course, tropical storm Debby had other ideas. So, I've spent days "putting away" things in order to present the appearance of a sterile house (in my humble opinion!). While I have the time to get lots done, anything I need to do creates a big mess in the process! So, I'm forced to use this time as rest time in preparation for what lies ahead.

Debby has not been all that bad. We've had days of gentle, slow (but constant) rain. Those who have followed the blog for a while have seen photos of my backyard during heavy rains. That has not happened, thank goodness! There also has not been much wind, which is always scary to me. At this point, it only seems a matter of waiting it out. 

Hiding from the storm.
You can imagine how the storm has affected Rosie. The first day and a half, I had to medicate her 3 times, which also necessitated going to the vet for more medication. Yesterday, I didn't have to do it but once at bedtime, and today seems to be going the same way. My hope is that she is becoming a little more acclimated to bad weather. The other issue is getting her outside to pee and poo. We've gotten drenched twice, and still no poo! Nor has she pooed in the house. I don't know how she's holding it! I put her outside in between showers, but it's like she's got to get her 10,000 steps before she can consider a poo! I'm hoping we can get a good walk in soon!!

Well, it's difficult to describe the positive change that has happened in our political life! I was returning home from donating books to the library, stopped at a stop light, when I received a text from Lynn asking if the pan pals needed to get together to commiserate. I didn't know what she was talking about until I got home and turned on the TV. Pres. Biden had withdrawn from the election. My concern all along was who would step forward. Each day, more people were asking him to step aside but no one was stepping forward or even being suggested to replace him - and it's too close to election time for big changes. It goes without saying that Biden and Harris were way ahead of me! I'm convinced that those three anxious weeks were spent putting everything together for a seamless rollout! The enthusiasm has been contagious and joyful - a real contrast to the doom and gloom, hate, fear, and divide side! It has been a real delight to watch, coming away feeling uplifted and hopeful. While I didn't know much about Gov. Walz, he's hard not to like! He seems like a down-to-earth, feet-on-the-ground, neighborly kind of guy, unlike the two weird ones. My view is Kamala has to be happy with him, not me!  I hope he gives her the support that Biden gave Obama and she gave Biden. I hope they are a dynamic team that moves us forward and lifts us upward!

TMI: Just had a short, wet walk with Rosie. Success......twice! We can both relax.

Just a morning visitor.

Since my last entry, I've talked with four realtors before deciding on the one to go with. I've continued to clear out junk - donating, dumping, and thinning out whatever is kept. It is a huge task after being here for over 20 years! I also managed to get my taxes completed. I changed CPAs because my last one took forever. Turns out this one did, too! Hopefully, it will be easier next year. Also had my physical (all is well!) and let the PA know that I would be moving and records would need to be transferred. She will need to complete a form for the Clinton community and I'll have to get a TB test. 

I have worked in wonderful breaks of lunches and dinners with friends. As I think of moving, I know I will miss this - both my close friends, my neighbors, and my strong, liberal support groups. I've been so fortunate to work with diverse groups and have friends in a variety of places - Liberal Ladies, the synagogue, Lowcountry Coalition Against Hate, Drinking Liberally, Indivisible, and others. I know I am going to miss those connections, but I hope we can keep in touch.....and that I'm fortunate enough to make close connections in my new home.

That's it for now, friends. I'm not sure what the next few months will hold, but I'll pop on when I can. Thank you for your good wishes and love to all.💓