Yes, we have snow! And, it's cold! Yesterday, when we woke up to snow-covered ground, I decided to stay in my PJs and robe all day long...and loved it. I can't remember the last time I did that, but I knew no one would come to my door. When it was time for Rosie's walk, I put her harness on (no jacket) and walked her to the snow at the edge of the porch. She took a few steps on the snow and turned right around, as I knew she would! The next time, I suited her up and she was ready to venture forth, with only partial success (a long pee!). I stood on the porch and let her go as far as the extendable leash would allow! It was on the third try around 4 PM that we finally had success!
I got dressed this morning to take her for a real walk, but the snow had turned to ice and I didn't want to risk a fall. So, we just diddled around a little in the yard. I think we are both over it!! I'm not sure how long it will take for things to get back to normal as we still have three nights down in the 20s.
I'm not sure what I did wrong to have a birthday coinciding with trump's inauguration, but I promise, I will never do it again! Actually, thanks to wonderful friends, it was a fun day as we were all happy to have a diversion. Lynn and Chris were kind enough to provide lunch for some of my favorite people - Rhonda, Sally, Maria, and Mark. Tippy and Kieran were missed, and I hope Tippy will be her sassy self at my next one! There seemed to be a theme to gifts, which provided lots of laughs and comments, especially the trump toilet paper and poop bags. I just hate that anyone spent a penny on anything pertaining to him, but I appreciate their thoughtfulness. We had a delicious lunch followed by a beautiful and tasty chocolate birthday cake. Lynn was gracious enough to only put one candle on it! We all took some of it home with us to enjoy later. It really was a fun afternoon and a great birthday. When I move, these are the people I will miss. Wherever you are, it's the people who make life liveable and enjoyable, and I've been blessed with the best! Thank you, my friends!
Speaking of moving, before the storm, things had just begun to move. On the previous Thursday, as I was going to an appointment, my realtor texted to ask if someone could view the house in an hour and a half. I knew I could not make my appointment and get the house ready in time, so after nothing had happened since the first week of the month, I had to decline! The next day, I had two showings. The next two days, there was a showing each day, with one of them being a return visit. They wanted to put an offer contingent on their selling a home in Florida, which won't work with my plans. Even so, I'm glad things are moving and hope I can get it sold before trump tanks the economy. Send good juju my way! 👍
The surprise party came when I received a text from my cousin Dennis and his wife Carol. They would be on Daufeskie Island and asked if I'd be able to join them for lunch on Friday when they came to Hilton Head. It had been such a long time since I'd seen them, and I was delighted to get together. They were traveling with their daughter Amanda and two grandchildren, so it was a lively gathering. We met up at Java Burrito Company for a hearty lunch, but little did I know that they had a birthday hat, a muffin with a candle, a birthday card, and a lovely necklace made by Carol. They sang Happy Birthday, joined by folks in the restaurant. Cued by the hat, everyone along the way kept wishing me a happy birthday! It was fun! And it was good to see them after such a long time. I still have no idea how they knew it was my birthday, and I was certainly taken by surprise. I'm happy that they make the effort to get together whenever in the area.
I was also pleased to hear from family and friends far and wide - by cards, text, phone, and on Facebook. It was great to hear from everyone. Thank you so much!
“Truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget.” —G. Randolf
I'm pleased to announce that Paula, a friend from Saudi days whom many of you know, has a book out! Being a longtime dog lover and having volunteered at an animal rescue in Spain, she decided to write a book about rescue doggies.....and Rosie's story is in it! I was finally about to get a copy through Amazon and, naturally the first thing I did was look for Rosie's story! Second-Hand Dogs is a compilation of short stories of people and the doggies they adopted from a shelter. It is quite impressive! There are more stories than I expected and it must have been a chore to request and gather them all, as well as editing, permissions, etc. Anyway, interspersed with the stories are "Words of Wisdom", or well-known quotes about dogs. Then at the end, she has practical and helpful advice for anyone interested in adopting a shelter dog. I was very impressed by it all and I hope Paula is pleased with the finished product. It was quite an undertaking, but I for one and so glad she met the challenge. It's a lovely book for any dog lover.
There have been the usual - well, with the holidays, more than usual gatherings with friends. Chris had us over for Christmas lunch. Then Maria & Mark included me when they hosted their trivia group, most of whom are democrats who I also know. On my walk home, I found this surprise at my door! A nice selection of nuts and dried fruit from Jim in Sarasota! Totally unexpected, but such a nice treat! I miss seeing him and Anthony as they traveled between DC and FL, and I do hope we can catch up soon. Jim, thank you so much!
Maria and Mark also had a gathering for democrats in the neighborhood. They were pleased to have a great turnout. Rhonda and I have gotten together here for a good natter, as well as Melodie and her friends Josie and Kristen for Indian food. There are also three ladies in the neighborhood with whom I get together, and one just had a big party to celebrate her 80th. Makes me feel good to know I'm not the oldest one around!! All in all, it's been busy but lots of fun.
With the colder weather, Rosie's wardrobe has expanded. I'm impressed with her new jacket, which is fleece-lined and better made than mine! I have finally found a thunder shirt that fits her and I think it is going to help. I've only used it once when she began to shiver and it seemed to keep her calm. Her indoor animal print sweater was a gift from Maria and Mark. She has needed something heavier through much of the winter, but it has been perfect for inside the house on these snowy days.
When the house is being shown, Rosie and I have to be out. One day we went to Jarvis Creek Park, where we discovered a feral cat colony, and the lady was there feeding them. I loved the photo of the walkway with the leaves. Unfortunately, since it is a raised walkway, Rosie wouldn't walk it, so that's as much as we saw! That's your Rosie update! She sends her love!
I'm sure you've seen the news and know the hateful chaos that is happening as we descend into Fascism. I'm not sure how the democratic process failed the republican party and those in it, but they sure seem to hate this country and most people in it. It has gone so far that I truly fear for our future. I don't know what else to say. It's sad. Keep the faith!